CLucene PHP wrapper test
Experimental only Index results:
New Document error: ".cl_errstr($cl); if ( !cl_add_field($cl,"ref", $HTTP_POST_VARS["ndxRef"],true) ) echo "
Reference error: ". cl_errstr($cl); if ( !cl_add_field($cl,"cnt", $HTTP_POST_VARS["ndxCnt"]) ) echo "
Content error: ". cl_errstr($cl); echo "Document to add: ".cl_document_info($cl); if ( !cl_insert_document($cl) ) echo "
Insert error: ". cl_errstr($cl); else echo "
Document added!"; ?>
Search results:
0 ) $field = explode(",",$field); if ( cl_search($cl, $HTTP_POST_VARS["s"], $field)){ echo "Search found ".cl_hitcount($cl)." documents while searching for ".cl_searchinfo($cl)."
"; do{ echo "Document: ".cl_getfield($cl,"ref")."
"; }while( cl_nexthit($cl) ); }else{ echo "Search failed - ".cl_errstr($cl)."
"; } ?>
Optimize results:

Delete results:
"; } cl_close($cl); } ?>


Directory to work on: ">


Perform a search:">
on field (or fields seperated by commas) ">


Optimize this index:


Delete some data from the index:
Delete from the which would return from this query:


Directory to work on: ">

Index these values:
Reference: ">(stored, this could be the file name)
Data: (indexed, this could be the contents of a document)