#!/usr/bin/env python # # Simple XML to HTML converter. # # (C) 2005 Thomas Gleixner # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # import os import sys import getopt import pprint import shutil import string import smtplib import socket import time import xml.sax import commands # Print the usage information def usage(): print "USAGE:" print "html.py <-f -h file.xml>" print " -f write output to file.html (default is stdout)" print " -h help" return # Headerfields header = [ "Mime-Version: 1.0\r\n", "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n", "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n", "Content-Disposition: inline\r\n", ] html = [] replace = [] fdout = sys.stdout def replaceVars(line): cnt = 0 while cnt < len(replace): if line.find(replace[cnt]) >= 0: line = line.replace(replace[cnt], replace[cnt+1]) cnt = cnt + 2 return line def writeHtml(line): fdout.write(replaceVars(line)) def startMenu(level): writeHtml("
\n" %(level)) def placeMenu(topic, link, mode): topic = replaceVars(topic) mode = replaceVars(mode) if mode == 'text': writeHtml("


\n" %(topic)) return if mode == 'selected': writeHtml("\n") else: writeHtml("\n") writeHtml("%s\n" %(link, topic)) writeHtml("\n") # configuration parser class docHandler(xml.sax.ContentHandler): def __init__(self): self.content = "" return def startElement(self, name, attrs): self.element = name if len(self.content) > 0: writeHtml(self.content) self.content = "" if name == "PAGE": return elif name == "INCLUDE": fd = open(attrs.get('file'), 'r') lines = fd.readlines() fd.close() for line in lines: writeHtml(line) elif name == "PARSE": parseConfig(attrs.get('file')) elif name == 'STARTMENU': startMenu(attrs.get('level')) elif name == 'MENU': placeMenu(attrs.get('topic'), attrs.get('link'), attrs.get('mode')) elif name == 'ENDMENU': writeHtml("
\n") elif name == 'VAR': match = attrs.get('match') repl = attrs.get('replace') idx = len(replace) replace[idx:] = [match] idx = len(replace) replace[idx:] = [repl] elif name == "br": writeHtml(" 0: names = attrs.getNames() for name in names: writeHtml(" " + name + "=\"" + attrs.get(name) + "\"") writeHtml(" />") else: writeHtml("<" + name) if attrs.getLength > 0: names = attrs.getNames() for name in names: writeHtml(" " + name + "=\"" + attrs.get(name) + "\"") writeHtml(">") def characters(self, ch): self.content = self.content + ch def endElement(self, name): if name == "PAGE": return elif name == 'INCLUDE': return elif name == 'PARSE': return elif name == 'PAGE': return elif name == 'STARTMENU': return elif name == 'ENDMENU': return elif name == 'MENU': return elif name == 'VAR': return elif name == 'br': return if len(self.content) > 0: writeHtml(self.content) self.content = "" writeHtml("\n") # error handler class errHandler(xml.sax.ErrorHandler): def __init__(self): return def error(self, exception): sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % exception) def fatalError(self, exception): sys.stderr.write("Fatal error while parsing configuration\n") sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % exception) sys.exit(1) # parse the configuration file def parseConfig(file): # handlers dh = docHandler() eh = errHandler() # Create an XML parser parser = xml.sax.make_parser() # Set the handlers parser.setContentHandler(dh) parser.setErrorHandler(eh) fd = open(file, 'r') # Parse the file parser.parse(fd) fd.close() # Here we go # Parse the commandline writefile = 0 try: (options, arguments) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],'fh') except getopt.GetoptError, ex: print print "ERROR:" print ex.msg usage() sys.exit(1) pass for option, value in options: if option == '-f': writefile = 1 elif option == '-h': usage() sys.exit(0) pass pass if not arguments: print "No source file specified" usage() sys.exit(1) pass if writefile > 0: fname = arguments[0].split('.')[0] fname = fname + ".html" fdout = open(fname, 'w') parseConfig(arguments[0]) if writefile > 0: fdout.close()