2004-08-14  Andreas Richer   <ar@oszine.de>

	* Add a Locations tab to edit custom backup- and restore-locations

2004-03-18  Andreas Richter  <ar@oszine.de>

	* read old backup files from opie 1.0.x
	* use ~/Application/backup/exclude for exclude files from backup. Default is *.bck

2004-01-10  Andreas Richter  <ar@oszine.de>

	* detect inserted cards for backup / restore location

2003-12-22  Andreas Richter  <ar@oszine.de>

	* remember to last backup / restore location
	* BugFix: information for successfull restore

2003-12-15  Andreas Richter  <ar@oszine.de>

	* backup and restore now works with relative path (user a can restore backup from user b in ther own home dir)