/*************************************************************************** scqtfileedit.cpp - description ------------------- begin : Mon Sep 3 2001 copyright : (C) 2001 by Werner Schulte email : sc@schulte-ac.de ***************************************************************************/ /* $Id: scqtfileedit.cpp,v 1.3 2004/03/01 20:04:34 chicken Exp $ */ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include "qlineedit.h" #include "qtoolbutton.h" #include "scqtfileedit.h" #include // #define DEBUGFILEEDIT /* XPM */ static const char* const file_xpm[]={ "16 16 5 1", ". c #7f7f7f", "# c None", "c c #000000", "b c #bfbfbf", "a c #ffffff", "################", "..........######", ".aaaaaaaab.#####", ".aaaaaaaaba.####", ".aaaaaaaacccc###", ".aaaaaaaaaabc###", ".aaaaaaaaaabc###", ".aaaaaaaaaabc###", ".aaaaaaaaaabc###", ".aaaaaaaaaabc###", ".aaaaaaaaaabc###", ".aaaaaaaaaabc###", ".aaaaaaaaaabc###", ".aaaaaaaaaabc###", ".bbbbbbbbbbbc###", "ccccccccccccc###"}; /* XPM */ static const char * const link_file_xpm[]={ "16 16 10 1", "h c #808080", "g c #a0a0a0", "d c #c3c3c3", ". c #7f7f7f", "c c #000000", "b c #bfbfbf", "f c #303030", "e c #585858", "a c #ffffff", "# c None", "################", "..........######", ".aaaaaaaab.#####", ".aaaaaaaaba.####", ".aaaaaaaacccc###", ".aaaaaaaaaabc###", ".aaaaaaaaaabc###", ".aaaaaaaaaadc###", ".aaaaaaaaaadc###", ".aaaacccccccc###", ".aaaacaaaaaac###", ".aaaacaeaeaac###", ".aaaacaefcfac###", ".aaaacaagchac###", ".ddddcaaahaac###", "ccccccccccccc###"}; /* XPM */ static const char * const closed_xpm[]={ "16 16 6 1", ". c None", "b c #ffff00", "d c #000000", "* c #999999", "a c #cccccc", "c c #ffffff", "................", "................", "..*****.........", ".*ababa*........", "*abababa******..", "*cccccccccccc*d.", "*cbababababab*d.", "*cabababababa*d.", "*cbababababab*d.", "*cabababababa*d.", "*cbababababab*d.", "*cabababababa*d.", "*cbababababab*d.", "**************d.", ".dddddddddddddd.", "................"}; /* XPM */ static const char* const cdtoparent_xpm[]={ "15 13 3 1", ". c None", "* c #000000", "a c #ffff99", "..*****........", ".*aaaaa*.......", "***************", "*aaaaaaaaaaaaa*", "*aaaa*aaaaaaaa*", "*aaa***aaaaaaa*", "*aa*****aaaaaa*", "*aaaa*aaaaaaaa*", "*aaaa*aaaaaaaa*", "*aaaa******aaa*", "*aaaaaaaaaaaaa*", "*aaaaaaaaaaaaa*", "***************"}; ScQtFileEditDlg::ScQtFileEditDlg( QWidget *parent, const char *name, const QString &path, const QString &filter ) : ScQtFileDlg( parent, name, TRUE ), QDir( path, filter ) { // ListView->setRootIsDecorated ( TRUE ); #ifdef DEBUGFILEEDIT printf ("\nScQtFileEditDlg:: constructor name=%s", name ); printf ("\n path=%s", (const char *)path ); printf ("\n filter=%s", (const char *)filter ); printf ("\n parent=%p", parent ); fflush(stdout); #endif bpath = path; bfilter = filter; exflag = false; ListView->setAllColumnsShowFocus( TRUE ); ListView->setColumnAlignment( 1, Qt::AlignRight ); fileIcon = new QPixmap( (const char **)file_xpm); dirIcon = new QPixmap( (const char **)closed_xpm); linkIcon = new QPixmap( (const char **)link_file_xpm); cdToParentIcon = new QPixmap( (const char **)cdtoparent_xpm); #ifdef QWS QPEApplication::execDialog( this ); #endif mkdirflag = false; MkDirButton->setEnabled( false ); initDirCombo( bpath ); initTypeCombo( bfilter ); dirstr = tr("dir"); filestr = tr("file"); linkstr = tr("link"); rFlag = false; showTimer.stop(); connect( &showTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT( slotShowDir() ) ); fmode = QDir::All; fnfilter = false; fsorting = false; } ScQtFileEditDlg::~ScQtFileEditDlg() { #ifdef DEBUGFILEEDIT printf ("\nScQtFileEditDlg::destructor called" ); fflush(stdout); #endif if ( fileIcon != NULL ) { delete fileIcon; fileIcon = NULL; } if ( dirIcon != NULL ) { delete dirIcon; dirIcon = NULL; } if ( linkIcon != NULL ) { delete linkIcon; linkIcon = NULL; } if ( cdToParentIcon != NULL ) { delete cdToParentIcon; cdToParentIcon = NULL; } } void ScQtFileEditDlg::readIt( ) { qfil = readDir( bpath, bfilter ); slotShowDir( ); } void ScQtFileEditDlg::setAutoExtension( bool ex ) { exflag = ex; } int ScQtFileEditDlg::checkComboEntryExists( QComboBox *com, const QString &str ) { int i; if ( com ) { for ( i = 0; i < com->count(); i++ ) { if ( com->text( i ) == str ) { com->setCurrentItem( i ); return( 1 ); } } } return( 0 ); } void ScQtFileEditDlg::initDirCombo( const QString &str ) { DirComboBox->clear(); DirComboBox->insertItem( "/" ); if ( str.isEmpty() ) return; DirComboBox->insertItem( str, -1 ); } void ScQtFileEditDlg::initTypeCombo( const QString &str ) { TypeComboBox->clear(); TypeComboBox->insertItem( "*" ); if ( str.isEmpty() ) return; TypeComboBox->insertItem( str, -1 ); } void ScQtFileEditDlg::insDirCombo( const QString &str ) { if ( str.isEmpty() ) return; if ( !checkComboEntryExists( DirComboBox, str ) ) { if ( DirComboBox->count() >= MAXDIRCOMBOCOUNT ) { // 2. Item loeschen (das erste ist "/") DirComboBox->removeItem( 1 ); } // neues Item anhaengen DirComboBox->insertItem( str, -1 ); DirComboBox->setCurrentItem( DirComboBox->count() - 1 ); } } void ScQtFileEditDlg::insTypeCombo( const QString &str ) { if ( str.isEmpty() ) return; if ( !checkComboEntryExists( TypeComboBox, str ) ) { if ( TypeComboBox->count() >= MAXTYPECOMBOCOUNT ) { // 2. Item loeschen (das erste ist "/") TypeComboBox->removeItem( 1 ); } // neues Item anhaengen TypeComboBox->insertItem( str, -1 ); TypeComboBox->setCurrentItem( TypeComboBox->count() - 1 ); } } const QFileInfoList *ScQtFileEditDlg::readDir( const QString &path, const QString &filter ) { static QString qpath, qfilter; #ifdef DEBUGFILEEDIT printf ("\nScQtFileEditDlg::readDir called, path = %s", (const char *)path ); printf ("\n filter = %s", (const char *)filter ); fflush(stdout); #endif rFlag = true; if ( path.isEmpty() ) qpath = "/"; else qpath = path; if ( filter.isEmpty() ) qfilter = "*"; else qfilter = filter; insDirCombo( qpath ); insTypeCombo( qfilter ); setFilter( fmode ); if ( fsorting ) setSorting( QDir::DirsFirst | QDir::Name ); if ( fnfilter ) setNameFilter( qfilter ); setPath( qpath ); const QFileInfoList *dirlist = entryInfoList(); if ( !dirlist ) { rFlag = false; return( 0 ); } rFlag = false; return( dirlist ); } QString ScQtFileEditDlg::getResult( ) { static QString qstr; #ifdef DEBUGFILEEDIT printf ("\nScQtFileEditDlg::getResult called" ); fflush(stdout); #endif qstr = bpath + "/"; qstr = qstr + filename; bpath = cleanDirPath( qstr ); return( bpath ); } QString ScQtFileEditDlg::getFileName( ) { int a; static QString qstr; #ifdef DEBUGFILEEDIT printf ("\nScQtFileEditDlg::getFileName called" ); fflush(stdout); #endif a = bpath.findRev( "/", -1, TRUE ); if (a == -1) qstr = bpath; // Nicht gefunden else qstr = bpath.right( bpath.length() - a - 1 ); return( qstr ); } // Ab hier die Slots ----------------------------------- void ScQtFileEditDlg::slotShowDir() { static QListViewItem *qlvitem; static QString ftypestr, fsizestr; static QFileInfo *fi; // pointer for traversing if ( !qfil ) // pointer war Null return; ListView->clear(); // ersma loeschen QFileInfoListIterator it( *qfil ); // create list iterator if ( !it ) // pointer war Null return; while ( (fi=it.current()) ) { // for each file... if ( !fi ) // current war 0 return; if ( !fi->fileName().isNull() ) { if ( fi->isDir() == TRUE ) { ftypestr = dirstr; fsizestr = "" ; } else if ( fi->isSymLink() == TRUE ) { ftypestr = linkstr; fsizestr = "" ; } else if ( fi->isFile() == TRUE ) { ftypestr = filestr; fsizestr.sprintf( "%d", fi->size() ); } else { printf( "something else\n" ); fflush(stdout); } if ( !(fi->fileName() == "." ) ) // der wird ausgespart { qlvitem = new QListViewItem ( ListView, fi->fileName(), fsizestr, ftypestr ); if ( fi->fileName() == ".." ) qlvitem->setPixmap( 0, *cdToParentIcon ); else if ( fi->isDir() == TRUE ) qlvitem->setPixmap( 0, *dirIcon ); else if ( fi->isSymLink() == TRUE ) qlvitem->setPixmap( 0, *linkIcon ); else if ( fi->isFile() == TRUE ) qlvitem->setPixmap( 0, *fileIcon ); } } ++it; // goto next list element } } void ScQtFileEditDlg::slotDirComboBoxChanged( int item ) { if ( !rFlag ) { bpath = DirComboBox->currentText( ); qfil = readDir( bpath, bfilter ); slotShowDir( ); } } void ScQtFileEditDlg::slotTypeComboBoxChanged( int item ) { if ( !rFlag ) { bfilter = TypeComboBox->currentText( ); qfil = readDir( bpath, bfilter ); slotShowDir( ); } } void ScQtFileEditDlg::slotFileTextChanged( const QString &txt ) { filename = txt; } void ScQtFileEditDlg::slotSelectionChanged( QListViewItem *item ) { static QString qstr, rstr; #ifdef DEBUGFILEEDIT printf ("\nScQtFileEditDlg::slotSelectionChanged called" ); fflush(stdout); #endif if ( item ) { if ( !item->text(2) ) return; if ( item->text(2) == dirstr ) { if ( !rFlag ) { rstr = bpath; qstr = bpath + "/"; qstr = qstr + item->text(0); bpath = cleanDirPath( qstr ); qfil = readDir( bpath, bfilter ); if ( qfil == 0 ) { bpath = rstr; // Nochmal lesen, um die ComboBoxen zu setzten qfil = readDir( bpath, bfilter ); } showTimer.start( 10, true ); } } else if ( item->text(2) == filestr ) { FNameLineEdit->setText( item->text(0) ); filename = item->text(0); } } } void ScQtFileEditDlg::slotMkDir( ) { QString qstr; if ( !FNameLineEdit->text().isEmpty() ) { qstr = bpath + "/"; qstr = qstr + FNameLineEdit->text(); mkdir( qstr, true ); qfil = readDir( bpath, bfilter ); FNameLineEdit->setText( "" ); slotShowDir( ); } } void ScQtFileEditDlg::slotDoubleClicked( QListViewItem *item ) { static QString qstr, rstr; #ifdef DEBUGFILEEDIT printf ("\nScQtFileEditDlg::slotDoubleClicked called" ); fflush(stdout); #endif if ( item ) { if ( item->text(2) == dirstr ) { if ( !rFlag ) { rstr = bpath; qstr = bpath + "/"; qstr = qstr + item->text(0); bpath = cleanDirPath( qstr ); qfil = readDir( bpath, bfilter ); if ( qfil == 0 ) { bpath = rstr; // Nochmal lesen, um die ComboBoxen zu setzten qfil = readDir( bpath, bfilter ); } showTimer.start( 10, TRUE ); } } } } void ScQtFileEditDlg::autoExtension( ) { QString qstr; int len; if ( exflag ) { qstr = TypeComboBox->currentText( ); if ( qstr != "*" ) { len = qstr.findRev( ".", -1 ); if ( len >= 0 ) { qstr = qstr.right( qstr.length() - len ); len = filename.findRev( qstr, -1 ); if ( len < 0 ) filename = filename + qstr; } } } } void ScQtFileEditDlg::setMode( int mode ) { fmode = mode; } void ScQtFileEditDlg::setNFilter( bool ff ) { fnfilter = ff; } void ScQtFileEditDlg::setFSorting( bool ff ) { fsorting = ff; } void ScQtFileEditDlg::allowMkDir( bool mkdir ) { mkdirflag = mkdir; MkDirButton->setEnabled( mkdir ); } void ScQtFileEditDlg::slotOK( ) { #ifdef DEBUGFILEEDIT printf ("\nScQtFileEditDlg::slotOK called" ); fflush(stdout); #endif autoExtension(); accept(); } void ScQtFileEditDlg::slotCancel( ) { #ifdef DEBUGFILEEDIT printf ("\nScQtFileEditDlg::slotCancel called" ); fflush(stdout); #endif reject(); } /************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************/ ScQtFileEdit::ScQtFileEdit( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) { #ifdef DEBUGFILEEDIT printf ("\nScQtFileEdit constructor called"); fflush(stdout); #endif } ScQtFileEdit::~ScQtFileEdit() { #ifdef DEBUGFILEEDIT printf ("\nScQtFileEdit destructor called"); fflush(stdout); #endif } QString ScQtFileEdit::getOpenFileName( QWidget *parent, const char *name, const QString &path, const QString &filter ) { static ScQtFileEditDlg *fd; static QString fname; #ifdef DEBUGFILEEDIT printf ("\nScQtFileEdit::getOpenFileName name=%s", name ); printf ("\n path=%s", (const char *)path ); printf ("\n filter=%s", (const char *)filter ); fflush(stdout); #endif fd = new ScQtFileEditDlg( parent, name, path, filter ); fd->setAutoExtension( false ); fd->setMode( QDir::All|QDir::System ); fd->setNFilter( true ); fd->setFSorting( true ); fd->readIt(); fd->exec(); if ( fd->result() == QDialog::Accepted ) fname = fd->getResult(); else fname = ""; delete fd; return( fname ); } QString ScQtFileEdit::getSaveAsFileName( QWidget *parent, const char *name, const QString &path, const QString &filter ) { static ScQtFileEditDlg *fd; static QString fname; #ifdef DEBUGFILEEDIT printf ("\nScQtFileEdit::getSaveAsFileName name=%s", name ); printf ("\n path=%s", (const char *)path ); printf ("\n filter=%s", (const char *)filter ); fflush(stdout); #endif fd = new ScQtFileEditDlg( parent, name, path, filter ); fd->allowMkDir( true ); // CS: fd->setAutoExtension( true ); fd->setNFilter( true ); fd->setFSorting( true ); fd->readIt(); fd->exec(); if ( fd->result() == QDialog::Accepted ) fname = fd->getResult(); else fname = ""; delete fd; return( fname ); } QString ScQtFileEdit::getDirName( QWidget *parent, const char *name, const QString &path ) { static ScQtFileEditDlg *fd; static QString fname; #ifdef DEBUGFILEEDIT printf ("\nScQtFileEdit::getDirName name=%s", name ); printf ("\n path=%s", (const char *)path ); fflush(stdout); #endif fd = new ScQtFileEditDlg( parent, name, path ); fd->setMode( QDir::Dirs ); fd->setNFilter( false ); fd->setFSorting( true ); fd->readIt(); fd->exec(); if ( fd->result() == QDialog::Accepted ) fname = fd->getResult(); else fname = ""; delete fd; return( fname ); } QString ScQtFileEdit::mkDir( QWidget *parent, const char *name, const QString &path, const QString &filter ) { static ScQtFileEditDlg *fd; static QString fname; #ifdef DEBUGFILEEDIT printf ("\nScQtFileEdit::mkDir name=%s", name ); printf ("\n basepath=%s", (const char *)path ); printf ("\n filter=%s", (const char *)filter ); fflush(stdout); #endif fd = new ScQtFileEditDlg( parent, name, path, filter ); fd->setAutoExtension( true ); fd->allowMkDir( true ); fd->setNFilter( false ); fd->setFSorting( true ); fd->readIt(); fd->exec(); if ( fd->result() == QDialog::Accepted ) fname = fd->getResult(); else fname = ""; delete fd; return( fname ); }