.\" $Xorg: AsciiText,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:42:26 cpqbld Exp $
.NH 2
Ascii Text Widget
	AsciiText Widget
.IN "AsciiText widget" "" "@DEF@"
.Ds 0
.TA 2.0i
.ta 2.0i
Application Header file	<X11/Xaw/AsciiText.h>
.IN "AsciiText.h" ""
ClassHeader file	<X11/Xaw/AsciiTextP.h>
.IN "AsciiTextP.h" ""
Class		asciiTextWidgetClass
.IN "asciiTextWidgetClass" ""
Class Name	Text
.IN "AsciiText widget" "class name"
Superclass	Text
Sink Name	textSink
Source Name	textSource
.sp 1
For the ease of internationalization, the AsciiText widget class name has not
been changed, although it is actually able to support non-ASCII locales.
The AsciiText widget is really a collection of smaller parts.  It
includes the Text widget itself, a ``Source'' (which supports memory management),
and a ``Sink'' (which handles the display).  There are currently two supported
sources, the AsciiSrc and MultiSrc, and two supported sinks, the AsciiSink and
.IN "AsciiSrc object" ""
.IN "AsciiSink object" ""
.IN "MultiSrc object" ""
.IN "MultiSink object" ""
MultiSink.  Some of
the resources listed below are not actually resources of the
AsciiText, but belong to the associated source or sink.  This is
is noted in the explanation of each resource where it applies.  When
specifying these resources in a resource file it is necessary to use
\fI*AsciiText*resource_name\fP instead of
\fI*AsciiText.resource_name\fP, since they actually belong to the
children of the AsciiText widget, and not the AsciiText widget itself.
However, these resources may be set directly on the AsciiText widget at
widget creation time, or via \fBXtSetValues\fP.
.NH 3
When creating an AsciiText widget instance, the following resources are
retrieved from the argument list or from the resource database:
.IN "AsciiText widget" "resources"
lw(1i) lw(1i) lw(1.1i) lw(.5i) lw(1.9i).
.sp 3p
Name	Class	Type	Notes	Default Value
.sp 3p
.sp 3p
accelerators	Accelerators	AcceleratorTable		NULL
ancestorSensitive	AncestorSensitive	Boolean	D	True
autoFill	AutoFill	Boolean		False
background	Background	Pixel		XtDefaultBackground
backgroundPixmap	Pixmap	Pixmap		XtUnspecifiedPixmap
borderColor	BorderColor	Pixel		XtDefaultForeground
borderPixmap	Pixmap	Pixmap		XtUnspecifiedPixmap
borderWidth	BorderWidth	Dimension		1
bottomMargin	Margin	Position		2
callback	Callback	XtCallbackList		NULL
colormap	Colormap	Colormap		Parent's Colormap
cursor	Cursor	Cursor		XC_xterm
cursorName	Cursor	String		NULL
dataCompression	DataCompression	Boolean		True
depth	Depth	int	C	Parent's Depth
destroyCallback	Callback	XtCallbackList		NULL
displayCaret	Output	Boolean		True
displayNonprinting	Output	Boolean		True
displayPosition	TextPosition	XawTextPosition		0
echo	Output	Boolean		True
editType	EditType	XawTextEditType		XawtextRead
font	Font	XFontStruct*		XtDefaultFont
fontSet	FontSet	XFontSet		XtDefaultFontSet
foreground	Foreground	Pixel		XtDefaultForeground
height	Height	Dimension	A	Font height + margins
insensitiveBorder	Insensitive	Pixmap		GreyPixmap
insertPosition	TextPosition	int		0
international	International	Boolean	C	False
leftMargin	Margin	Dimension		2
length	Length	int	A	length of \fBstring\fP
mappedWhenManaged	MappedWhenManaged	Boolean		True
pieceSize	PieceSize	XawTextPosition		BUFSIZ
pointerColor	Foreground	Pixel		XtDefaultForeground
pointerColorBackground	Background	Pixel		XtDefaultBackground
resize	Resize	XawTextResizeMode		XawtextResizeNever
rightMargin	Margin	Position		2
screen	Screen	Screen	R	Parent's Screen
scrollHorizontal	Scroll	XawTextScrollMode		XawtextScrollNever
scrollVertical	Scroll	XawTextScrollMode		XawtextScrollNever
selectTypes	SelectTypes	XawTextSelectType*		See above
sensitive	Sensitive	Boolean		True
string	String	String		NULL
textSink	TextSink	Widget		An AsciiSink
textSource	TextSource	Widget		An AsciiSrc
topMargin	Margin	Position		2		
translations	Translations	TranslationTable		See above
type	Type	XawAsciiType		XawAsciiString
useStringInPlace	UseStringInPlace	Boolean		False
width	Width	Dimension		100
wrap	Wrap	WrapMode		XawtextWrapNever
x	Position	Position		0
y	Position	Position		0
.sp 3p
.Oc AsciiText
.Od AsciiText
.Sd AsciiText
.Oe AsciiText
.Sh AsciiText
.Sf AsciiText
.Sn AsciiText
.Sg AsciiText
.Ol AsciiText
.Op AsciiText
.Os AsciiText
.Ot AsciiText
.Ou AsciiText