/* $Xorg: sm_client.c,v 1.4 2001/02/09 02:03:30 xorgcvs Exp $ */ /* Copyright 1993, 1998 The Open Group Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. */ /* * Author: Ralph Mor, X Consortium */ #include <X11/SM/SMlib.h> #include "SMlibint.h" #include "globals.h" static void set_callbacks(); SmcConn SmcOpenConnection (networkIdsList, context, xsmpMajorRev, xsmpMinorRev, mask, callbacks, previousId, clientIdRet, errorLength, errorStringRet) char *networkIdsList; SmPointer context; int xsmpMajorRev; int xsmpMinorRev; unsigned long mask; SmcCallbacks *callbacks; char *previousId; char **clientIdRet; int errorLength; char *errorStringRet; { SmcConn smcConn; IceConn iceConn; char *ids; IceProtocolSetupStatus setupstat; int majorVersion; int minorVersion; char *vendor = NULL; char *release = NULL; smRegisterClientMsg *pMsg; char *pData; int extra, len; IceReplyWaitInfo replyWait; _SmcRegisterClientReply reply; Bool gotReply, ioErrorOccured; *clientIdRet = NULL; if (errorStringRet && errorLength > 0) *errorStringRet = '\0'; if (!_SmcOpcode) { /* * For now, there is only one version of XSMP, so we don't * have to check {xsmpMajorRev, xsmpMinorRev}. In the future, * we will check against _SmcVersions and generate the list * of versions the application actually supports. */ if ((_SmcOpcode = IceRegisterForProtocolSetup ("XSMP", SmVendorString, SmReleaseString, _SmVersionCount, _SmcVersions, _SmAuthCount, _SmAuthNames, _SmcAuthProcs, NULL)) < 0) { strncpy (errorStringRet, "Could not register XSMP protocol with ICE", errorLength); return (NULL); } } if (networkIdsList == NULL || *networkIdsList == '\0') { if ((ids = (char *) getenv ("SESSION_MANAGER")) == NULL) { strncpy (errorStringRet, "SESSION_MANAGER environment variable not defined", errorLength); return (NULL); } } else { ids = networkIdsList; } if ((iceConn = IceOpenConnection ( ids, context, 0, _SmcOpcode, errorLength, errorStringRet)) == NULL) { return (NULL); } if ((smcConn = (SmcConn) malloc (sizeof (struct _SmcConn))) == NULL) { strncpy (errorStringRet, "Can't malloc", errorLength); IceCloseConnection (iceConn); return (NULL); } setupstat = IceProtocolSetup (iceConn, _SmcOpcode, (IcePointer) smcConn, False /* mustAuthenticate */, &majorVersion, &minorVersion, &vendor, &release, errorLength, errorStringRet); if (setupstat == IceProtocolSetupFailure || setupstat == IceProtocolSetupIOError) { IceCloseConnection (iceConn); free ((char *) smcConn); return (NULL); } else if (setupstat == IceProtocolAlreadyActive) { /* * This case should never happen, because when we called * IceOpenConnection, we required that the ICE connection * may not already have XSMP active on it. */ free ((char *) smcConn); strncpy (errorStringRet, "Internal error in IceOpenConnection", errorLength); return (NULL); } smcConn->iceConn = iceConn; smcConn->proto_major_version = majorVersion; smcConn->proto_minor_version = minorVersion; smcConn->vendor = vendor; smcConn->release = release; smcConn->client_id = NULL; bzero ((char *) &smcConn->callbacks, sizeof (SmcCallbacks)); set_callbacks (smcConn, mask, callbacks); smcConn->interact_waits = NULL; smcConn->phase2_wait = NULL; smcConn->prop_reply_waits = NULL; smcConn->save_yourself_in_progress = False; smcConn->shutdown_in_progress = False; /* * Now register the client */ len = previousId ? strlen (previousId) : 0; extra = ARRAY8_BYTES (len); IceGetHeaderExtra (iceConn, _SmcOpcode, SM_RegisterClient, SIZEOF (smRegisterClientMsg), WORD64COUNT (extra), smRegisterClientMsg, pMsg, pData); STORE_ARRAY8 (pData, len, previousId); IceFlush (iceConn); replyWait.sequence_of_request = IceLastSentSequenceNumber (iceConn); replyWait.major_opcode_of_request = _SmcOpcode; replyWait.minor_opcode_of_request = SM_RegisterClient; replyWait.reply = (IcePointer) &reply; gotReply = False; ioErrorOccured = False; while (!gotReply && !ioErrorOccured) { ioErrorOccured = (IceProcessMessages ( iceConn, &replyWait, &gotReply) == IceProcessMessagesIOError); if (ioErrorOccured) { strncpy (errorStringRet, "IO error occured opening connection", errorLength); free (smcConn->vendor); free (smcConn->release); free ((char *) smcConn); return (NULL); } else if (gotReply) { if (reply.status == 1) { /* * The client successfully registered. */ *clientIdRet = reply.client_id; smcConn->client_id = (char *) malloc ( strlen (*clientIdRet) + 1); strcpy (smcConn->client_id, *clientIdRet); } else { /* * Could not register the client because the previous ID * was bad. So now we register the client with the * previous ID set to NULL. */ extra = ARRAY8_BYTES (0); IceGetHeaderExtra (iceConn, _SmcOpcode, SM_RegisterClient, SIZEOF (smRegisterClientMsg), WORD64COUNT (extra), smRegisterClientMsg, pMsg, pData); STORE_ARRAY8 (pData, 0, NULL); IceFlush (iceConn); replyWait.sequence_of_request = IceLastSentSequenceNumber (iceConn); gotReply = False; } } } return (smcConn); } SmcCloseStatus SmcCloseConnection (smcConn, count, reasonMsgs) SmcConn smcConn; int count; char **reasonMsgs; { IceConn iceConn = smcConn->iceConn; smCloseConnectionMsg *pMsg; char *pData; int extra, i; IceCloseStatus closeStatus; SmcCloseStatus statusRet; extra = 8; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) extra += ARRAY8_BYTES (strlen (reasonMsgs[i])); IceGetHeaderExtra (iceConn, _SmcOpcode, SM_CloseConnection, SIZEOF (smCloseConnectionMsg), WORD64COUNT (extra), smCloseConnectionMsg, pMsg, pData); STORE_CARD32 (pData, count); pData += 4; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) STORE_ARRAY8 (pData, strlen (reasonMsgs[i]), reasonMsgs[i]); IceFlush (iceConn); IceProtocolShutdown (iceConn, _SmcOpcode); IceSetShutdownNegotiation (iceConn, False); closeStatus = IceCloseConnection (iceConn); if (smcConn->vendor) free (smcConn->vendor); if (smcConn->release) free (smcConn->release); if (smcConn->client_id) free (smcConn->client_id); if (smcConn->prop_reply_waits) { _SmcPropReplyWait *ptr = smcConn->prop_reply_waits; _SmcPropReplyWait *next; while (ptr) { next = ptr->next; free ((char *) ptr); ptr = next; } } free ((char *) smcConn); if (closeStatus == IceClosedNow) statusRet = SmcClosedNow; else if (closeStatus == IceClosedASAP) statusRet = SmcClosedASAP; else statusRet = SmcConnectionInUse; return (statusRet); } void SmcModifyCallbacks (smcConn, mask, callbacks) SmcConn smcConn; unsigned long mask; SmcCallbacks *callbacks; { set_callbacks (smcConn, mask, callbacks); } void SmcSetProperties (smcConn, numProps, props) SmcConn smcConn; int numProps; SmProp **props; { IceConn iceConn = smcConn->iceConn; smSetPropertiesMsg *pMsg; char *pBuf; char *pStart; int bytes; IceGetHeader (iceConn, _SmcOpcode, SM_SetProperties, SIZEOF (smSetPropertiesMsg), smSetPropertiesMsg, pMsg); LISTOF_PROP_BYTES (numProps, props, bytes); pMsg->length += WORD64COUNT (bytes); pBuf = pStart = IceAllocScratch (iceConn, bytes); STORE_LISTOF_PROPERTY (pBuf, numProps, props); IceWriteData (iceConn, bytes, pStart); IceFlush (iceConn); } void SmcDeleteProperties (smcConn, numProps, propNames) SmcConn smcConn; int numProps; char **propNames; { IceConn iceConn = smcConn->iceConn; smDeletePropertiesMsg *pMsg; char *pData; int extra, i; extra = 8; for (i = 0; i < numProps; i++) extra += ARRAY8_BYTES (strlen (propNames[i])); IceGetHeaderExtra (iceConn, _SmcOpcode, SM_DeleteProperties, SIZEOF (smDeletePropertiesMsg), WORD64COUNT (extra), smDeletePropertiesMsg, pMsg, pData); STORE_CARD32 (pData, numProps); pData += 4; for (i = 0; i < numProps; i++) STORE_ARRAY8 (pData, strlen (propNames[i]), propNames[i]); IceFlush (iceConn); } Status SmcGetProperties (smcConn, propReplyProc, clientData) SmcConn smcConn; SmcPropReplyProc propReplyProc; SmPointer clientData; { IceConn iceConn = smcConn->iceConn; _SmcPropReplyWait *wait, *ptr; if ((wait = (_SmcPropReplyWait *) malloc ( sizeof (_SmcPropReplyWait))) == NULL) { return (0); } wait->prop_reply_proc = propReplyProc; wait->client_data = clientData; wait->next = NULL; ptr = smcConn->prop_reply_waits; while (ptr && ptr->next) ptr = ptr->next; if (ptr == NULL) smcConn->prop_reply_waits = wait; else ptr->next = wait; IceSimpleMessage (iceConn, _SmcOpcode, SM_GetProperties); IceFlush (iceConn); return (1); } Status SmcInteractRequest (smcConn, dialogType, interactProc, clientData) SmcConn smcConn; int dialogType; SmcInteractProc interactProc; SmPointer clientData; { IceConn iceConn = smcConn->iceConn; smInteractRequestMsg *pMsg; _SmcInteractWait *wait, *ptr; if ((wait = (_SmcInteractWait *) malloc ( sizeof (_SmcInteractWait))) == NULL) { return (0); } wait->interact_proc = interactProc; wait->client_data = clientData; wait->next = NULL; ptr = smcConn->interact_waits; while (ptr && ptr->next) ptr = ptr->next; if (ptr == NULL) smcConn->interact_waits = wait; else ptr->next = wait; IceGetHeader (iceConn, _SmcOpcode, SM_InteractRequest, SIZEOF (smInteractRequestMsg), smInteractRequestMsg, pMsg); pMsg->dialogType = dialogType; IceFlush (iceConn); return (1); } void SmcInteractDone (smcConn, cancelShutdown) SmcConn smcConn; Bool cancelShutdown; { IceConn iceConn = smcConn->iceConn; smInteractDoneMsg *pMsg; IceGetHeader (iceConn, _SmcOpcode, SM_InteractDone, SIZEOF (smInteractDoneMsg), smInteractDoneMsg, pMsg); pMsg->cancelShutdown = cancelShutdown; IceFlush (iceConn); } void SmcRequestSaveYourself (smcConn, saveType, shutdown, interactStyle, fast, global) SmcConn smcConn; int saveType; Bool shutdown; int interactStyle; Bool fast; Bool global; { IceConn iceConn = smcConn->iceConn; smSaveYourselfRequestMsg *pMsg; IceGetHeader (iceConn, _SmcOpcode, SM_SaveYourselfRequest, SIZEOF (smSaveYourselfRequestMsg), smSaveYourselfRequestMsg, pMsg); pMsg->saveType = saveType; pMsg->shutdown = shutdown; pMsg->interactStyle = interactStyle; pMsg->fast = fast; pMsg->global = global; IceFlush (iceConn); } Status SmcRequestSaveYourselfPhase2 (smcConn, saveYourselfPhase2Proc, clientData) SmcConn smcConn; SmcSaveYourselfPhase2Proc saveYourselfPhase2Proc; SmPointer clientData; { IceConn iceConn = smcConn->iceConn; _SmcPhase2Wait *wait; if (smcConn->phase2_wait) wait = smcConn->phase2_wait; else { if ((wait = (_SmcPhase2Wait *) malloc ( sizeof (_SmcPhase2Wait))) == NULL) { return (0); } } wait->phase2_proc = saveYourselfPhase2Proc; wait->client_data = clientData; smcConn->phase2_wait = wait; IceSimpleMessage (iceConn, _SmcOpcode, SM_SaveYourselfPhase2Request); IceFlush (iceConn); return (1); } void SmcSaveYourselfDone (smcConn, success) SmcConn smcConn; Bool success; { IceConn iceConn = smcConn->iceConn; smSaveYourselfDoneMsg *pMsg; IceGetHeader (iceConn, _SmcOpcode, SM_SaveYourselfDone, SIZEOF (smSaveYourselfDoneMsg), smSaveYourselfDoneMsg, pMsg); pMsg->success = success; IceFlush (iceConn); } static void set_callbacks (smcConn, mask, callbacks) SmcConn smcConn; unsigned long mask; SmcCallbacks *callbacks; { if (mask & SmcSaveYourselfProcMask) { smcConn->callbacks.save_yourself.callback = callbacks->save_yourself.callback; smcConn->callbacks.save_yourself.client_data = callbacks->save_yourself.client_data; } if (mask & SmcDieProcMask) { smcConn->callbacks.die.callback = callbacks->die.callback; smcConn->callbacks.die.client_data = callbacks->die.client_data; } if (mask & SmcSaveCompleteProcMask) { smcConn->callbacks.save_complete.callback = callbacks->save_complete.callback; smcConn->callbacks.save_complete.client_data = callbacks->save_complete.client_data; } if (mask & SmcShutdownCancelledProcMask) { smcConn->callbacks.shutdown_cancelled.callback = callbacks->shutdown_cancelled.callback; smcConn->callbacks.shutdown_cancelled.client_data = callbacks->shutdown_cancelled.client_data; } }