/* $XFree86: $ * * This module converts keysym values into the corresponding ISO 10646 * (UCS, Unicode) values. * * The array keysymtab[] contains pairs of X11 keysym values for graphical * characters and the corresponding Unicode value. The function * keysym2ucs() maps a keysym onto a Unicode value using a binary search, * therefore keysymtab[] must remain SORTED by keysym value. * * The keysym -> UTF-8 conversion will hopefully one day be provided * by Xlib via XmbLookupString() and should ideally not have to be * done in X applications. But we are not there yet. * * We allow to represent any UCS character in the range U-00000000 to * U-00FFFFFF by a keysym value in the range 0x01000000 to 0x01ffffff. * This admittedly does not cover the entire 31-bit space of UCS, but * it does cover all of the characters up to U-10FFFF, which can be * represented by UTF-16, and more, and it is very unlikely that higher * UCS codes will ever be assigned by ISO. So to get Unicode character * U+ABCD you can directly use keysym 0x0100abcd. * * Author: Markus G. Kuhn <mkuhn@acm.org>, University of Cambridge, April 2001 * * Special thanks to Richard Verhoeven <river@win.tue.nl> for preparing * an initial draft of the mapping table. * * This software is in the public domain. Share and enjoy! */ #ifndef KEYSYM2UCS_H #define KEYSYM2UCS_H 1 extern long keysym2ucs(int keysym); extern int ucs2keysym(long ucs); #endif /* KEYSYM2UCS_H */