/************************************************************************************** @doc MGA MGA_STRUCT @module MGA Structures | Structure of The MGA Layer @normal Copyright © 1997, Matrox Graphics Inc. All Rights Reserved. @head3 MGA Structures | @index struct | MGA_STRUCT @end ***************************************************************************************/ /* $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/mga/HALlib/binding.h,v 1.3 2000/10/24 22:45:08 dawes Exp $ */ #ifndef _BINDING #define _BINDING #ifndef _INTERNALBINDING #define BINDING_NOERROR 0x00000000 #define BINDING_ERROR 0x90000000 #define FAR #define DECL typedef void VOID; typedef void FAR *LPVOID; typedef void FAR *LPBOARDHANDLE; typedef long LONG; typedef unsigned long ULONG; typedef unsigned long FLONG; typedef unsigned long FAR *LPULONG; typedef char CHAR; typedef unsigned char UCHAR; typedef unsigned char FAR*LPUCHAR; typedef struct TAGCLIENTTABLE{ ULONG (DECL *ClientReadConfigSpaceByte )(LPVOID , ULONG, LPVOID ); ULONG (DECL *ClientReadConfigSpaceDword )(LPVOID , ULONG, LPVOID ); ULONG (DECL *ClientWriteConfigSpaceByte )(LPVOID , ULONG, UCHAR); ULONG (DECL *ClientWriteConfigSpaceDword )(LPVOID , ULONG, ULONG); ULONG (DECL *ClientOpenRegisterBase )(LPVOID , ULONG, ULONG); ULONG (DECL *ClientCloseRegisterBase )(LPVOID ); ULONG (DECL *ClientReadRegisterByte )(LPVOID , ULONG, LPVOID ); ULONG (DECL *ClientReadRegisterDword )(LPVOID , ULONG, LPVOID ); ULONG (DECL *ClientWriteRegisterByte )(LPVOID , ULONG, UCHAR); ULONG (DECL *ClientWriteRegisterDword )(LPVOID , ULONG, ULONG); ULONG (DECL *ClientOpenMemoryBase )(LPVOID , ULONG, ULONG); ULONG (DECL *ClientCloseMemoryBase )(LPVOID ); ULONG (DECL *ClientReadMemoryByte )(LPVOID , ULONG, LPVOID ); ULONG (DECL *ClientReadMemoryDword )(LPVOID , ULONG, LPVOID ); ULONG (DECL *ClientWriteMemoryByte )(LPVOID , ULONG, UCHAR); ULONG (DECL *ClientWriteMemoryDword )(LPVOID , ULONG, ULONG); ULONG (DECL *ClientOpenSystemDevice )(LPVOID , ULONG, ULONG); ULONG (DECL *ClientCloseSystemDevice )(LPVOID ); ULONG (DECL *ClientReadSystemDeviceByte )(LPVOID , ULONG, LPVOID ); ULONG (DECL *ClientReadSystemDeviceDword )(LPVOID , ULONG, LPVOID ); ULONG (DECL *ClientWriteSystemDeviceByte )(LPVOID , ULONG, UCHAR); ULONG (DECL *ClientWriteSystemDeviceDword )(LPVOID , ULONG, ULONG); ULONG (DECL *ClientWait )(LPVOID , ULONG); ULONG (DECL *ClientGetBiosInfo ) (LPVOID, LPVOID, LPVOID); ULONG (DECL *ClientReadDDCEdid ) (LPVOID, LPVOID, ULONG); #ifdef DEBUG ULONG (DECL *ClientDebug ) (LPVOID, ULONG, LPVOID, ULONG, LPVOID); #endif } CLIENTTABLE, FAR *LPCLIENTTABLE; #endif /* _INTERNALBINDING */ /*************************************************************************************************** MGAHWINFO STRUCTURE *************************************************************************************************** @struct MGAHWINFO | Public MGA Board Information @field OUT ULONG | ulCapsFirstOutput | Capabilities of firts output @flag Bit 0 | Analog output supported on primary CRTC @flag Bit 1 | Digital output supported on primary CRTC @flag Bit 2 | TV output supported on primary CRTC @flag Bit 3 | Analog output supported on second CRTC @flag Bit 4 | Digital output supported on second CRTC @flag Bit 5 | TV output supported on second CRTC @flag Bit 6 | VGA output supported @field OUT ULONG | ulCapsSecondOutput | Capabilities of second output @flag Bit 0 | Analog output supported on primary CRTC @flag Bit 1 | Digital output supported on primary CRTC @flag Bit 2 | TV output supported on primary CRTC @flag Bit 3 | Analog output supported on second CRTC @flag Bit 4 | Digital output supported on second CRTC @flag Bit 5 | TV output supported on second CRTC @flag Bit 6 | VGA output supported @field OUT ULONG | ulVideoMemory | Total number of video memory in bytes @end **************************************************************************************************/ typedef struct TAGMGAHWINFO { ULONG ulCapsFirstOutput; ULONG ulCapsSecondOutput; ULONG ulVideoMemory; } MGAHWINFO, FAR *LPMGAHWINFO; /*************************************************************************************************** MGAMODEINFO STRUCTURE *************************************************************************************************** @struct MGAMODEINFO | Mode Information @field IN FLONG | flOutput | Where we want to apply this parameters @flag Bit 0 | Use second CRTC @flag Bit 1 | Use primary analog output @flag Bit 2 | Use secondary analog output @flag Bit 3 | Use primary digital output @flag Bit 4 | Use secondary digital output @flag Bit 5 | Force a particular frame buffer pitch @flag Bit 6 | Force a particular display origin @flag Bit 7-31 | Reserved @field IN ULONG | ulDispWidth | Display Width in pixels @field IN ULONG | ulDispHeight | Display Height in pixels @field IN ULONG | ulDeskWidth | Desktop Width in pixels @field IN ULONG | ulDeskHeight | Desktop Height in pixels @field IN OUT ULONG | ulFBPitch | Frame Buffer Pitch in pixel @field IN ULONG | ulBpp | Bits Per Pixels and input format @flag lower 16 bit | Bits per pixel <nl><tab> 8, 15, 16, 24 or 32 @flag upper 16 bit | Input format <nl><tab> 0 RGB <nl><tab> 1 RGBA <nl><tab> 2 YcbCr 4:2:0 3 Planes <nl><tab> 3 YcbCr 4:2:0 4 Planes <nl><tab> 4 YcbCr 4:2:2-UYVY <nl><tab> 5 YcbCr 4:2:2-YUY2 <nl><tab> 6-10 none interleave mode <nl><tab> 6 NI RGBA <nl><tab> 7 NI YcbCr 4:2:0 3 Planes <nl><tab> 8 NI YcbCr 4:2:0 4 Planes <nl><tab> 9 NI YcbCr 4:2:2-UYVY <nl><tab> 10 NI YcbCr 4:2:2-YUY2 @field IN ULONG | ulZoom | Zoom factor @flag 1x (1), 2x (2) or 4x (4)| @field IN OUT FLONG | flSignalMode | Signal Mode @flag Bit 0 | Interlace (0 : Non-interlace / 1: Interlace) @flag Bit 1 | Overscan (0 : No Overscan / 1 : Overscan) @flag Bit 2 | Horizontal Sync Polarity (0 : Negative / 1 : Positive) @flag Bit 3 | Vertical Sync Polarity (0 : Negative / 1 : Positive) @flag Bit 4-7 | Standard TV output <nl><tab>000 - PAL B G H <nl><tab>001 - NTSC M <nl><tab>010..111 - Reserved @flag Bit 8-31 | Reserved for future use @field IN OUT ULONG | ulRefreshRate | Vertical Refresh Rate in Hz @field IN OUT ULONG | ulHorizRate | Horizontal Refresh Rate in KHz @field IN OUT ULONG | ulPixClock | Pixel Clock in kHz @field IN OUT ULONG | ulHFPorch | Horizontal front porch in pixels @field IN OUT ULONG | ulHSync | Horizontal Sync in pixels @field IN OUT ULONG | ulHBPorch | Horizontal back porch in pixels @field IN OUT ULONG | ulVFPorch | Vertical front porch in lines @field IN OUT ULONG | ulVSync | Vertical Sync in lines @field IN OUT ULONG | ulVBPorch | Vertical back Porch in lines @field IN OUT ULONG | ulDisplayOrg | Origin of the display Offset(pixels) @field IN OUT ULONG | ulDstOrg | Origin of the drawing Offset in the frame (pixels) @field IN OUT ULONG | ulPanXGran | Panning in X granularity in pixel @field IN OUT ULONG | ulPanYGran | Panning in Y granularity in pixel @field IN OUT ULONG | ulTVStandard | TV Standard @field IN OUT ULONG | ulCableType | Cable Type @end **************************************************************************************************/ typedef struct TAGMAGMODEINFO { FLONG flOutput; /* Where we want to apply this parameters */ ULONG ulDispWidth; /* Display Width in pixels */ ULONG ulDispHeight; /* Display Height in pixels */ ULONG ulDeskWidth; /* Desktop Width in pixels */ ULONG ulDeskHeight; /* Desktop Height in pixels */ ULONG ulFBPitch; /* Frame Buffer Pitch in pixel */ ULONG ulBpp; /* Bits Per Pixels / input format */ ULONG ulZoom; /* Zoom factor */ FLONG flSignalMode; /* Signal Mode */ ULONG ulRefreshRate; /* Vertical Refresh Rate in Hz */ ULONG ulHorizRate; /* Horizontal Refresh Rate in KHz */ ULONG ulPixClock; /* Pixel Clock in kHz */ ULONG ulHFPorch; /* Horizontal front porch in pixels */ ULONG ulHSync; /* Horizontal Sync in pixels */ ULONG ulHBPorch; /* Horizontal back porch in pixels */ ULONG ulVFPorch; /* Vertical front porch in lines */ ULONG ulVSync; /* Vertical Sync in lines */ ULONG ulVBPorch; /* Vertical back Porch in lines */ ULONG ulDisplayOrg; /* Origin of the display Offset(bytes) */ ULONG ulDstOrg; /* Origin of the drawing Offset in the frame (bytes) */ ULONG ulPanXGran; /* Panning in X granularity in pixel */ ULONG ulPanYGran; /* Panning in Y granularity in pixel */ ULONG ulTVStandard; /* TV Standard */ ULONG ulCableType; /* Cable Type */ } MGAMODEINFO, FAR *LPMGAMODEINFO; #define MGAHWINFOCAPS_CRTC1_ANALOG 1L #define MGAHWINFOCAPS_CRTC1_DIGITAL (1L << 1) #define MGAHWINFOCAPS_CRTC1_TV (1L << 2) #define MGAHWINFOCAPS_CRTC2_ANALOG (1L << 3) #define MGAHWINFOCAPS_CRTC2_DIGITAL (1L << 4) #define MGAHWINFOCAPS_CRTC2_TV (1L << 5) #define MGAHWINFOCAPS_OUTPUT_VGA (1L << 6) #define MGAHWINFOCAPS_CRTC2 (MGAHWINFOCAPS_CRTC2_ANALOG | MGAHWINFOCAPS_CRTC2_DIGITAL | MGAHWINFOCAPS_CRTC2_TV) #define MGAHWINFOCAPS_OUTPUT_ANALOG (MGAHWINFOCAPS_CRTC1_ANALOG | MGAHWINFOCAPS_CRTC2_ANALOG) #define MGAHWINFOCAPS_OUTPUT_DIGITAL (MGAHWINFOCAPS_CRTC1_DIGITAL | MGAHWINFOCAPS_CRTC2_DIGITAL) #define MGAHWINFOCAPS_OUTPUT_TV (MGAHWINFOCAPS_CRTC1_TV | MGAHWINFOCAPS_CRTC2_TV) #define MGAMODEINFO_SECOND_CRTC 1L #define MGAMODEINFO_ANALOG1 (1L << 1) #define MGAMODEINFO_ANALOG2 (1L << 2) #define MGAMODEINFO_DIGITAL1 (1L << 3) #define MGAMODEINFO_DIGITAL2 (1L << 4) #define MGAMODEINFO_FORCE_PITCH (1L << 5) #define MGAMODEINFO_FORCE_DISPLAYORG (1L << 6) #define MGAMODEINFO_TV (1L << 7) #define MGAMODEINFO_TESTONLY 0x80000000 /* Cable Type */ #define TV_YC_COMPOSITE 0 #define TV_SCART_RGB 1 #define TV_SCART_COMPOSITE 2 #define TV_SCART_TYPE2 3 /* TV Standard */ #define TV_PAL 0 #define TV_NTSC 1 #if defined(__cplusplus) extern "C" { #endif ULONG MGACloseLibrary(LPBOARDHANDLE pBoard); ULONG MGAValidateMode(LPBOARDHANDLE pBoard, LPMGAMODEINFO pMgaModeInfo); ULONG MGAValidateVideoParameters(LPBOARDHANDLE pBoard, LPMGAMODEINFO pMgaModeInfo); ULONG MGASetMode(LPBOARDHANDLE pBoard, LPMGAMODEINFO pMgaModeInfo); ULONG MGASetTVMode(LPBOARDHANDLE pBoard, LPMGAMODEINFO pMgaModeInfo); ULONG MGASetVgaMode(LPBOARDHANDLE pBoard); ULONG MGASaveVgaState(LPBOARDHANDLE pBoard); ULONG MGARestoreVgaState(LPBOARDHANDLE pBoard); ULONG MGAInitHardware(LPBOARDHANDLE pBoard); ULONG MGAGetVideoParameters(LPBOARDHANDLE pBoard, LPMGAMODEINFO pMgaModeInfo, ULONG ulRefresh); ULONG MGAGetHardwareInfo(LPBOARDHANDLE pBoard, LPMGAHWINFO pMgaHwInfo); LPVOID MGAGetClientPointer(LPBOARDHANDLE pBoard); ULONG MGAOpenLibrary(LPBOARDHANDLE pBoard, LPVOID lpClient, ULONG ulClientSize); ULONG MGAGetBOARDHANDLESize(void); ULONG MGASetTVStandard(LPBOARDHANDLE pBoard, ULONG ulTVStandard); ULONG MGASetTVCableType(LPBOARDHANDLE pBoard, ULONG ulCableType); #if defined(__cplusplus) } #endif #endif /* _BINDING */