/* $XConsortium: xf86Elo.c /main/13 1996/10/25 14:11:31 kaleb $ */ /* * Copyright 1995, 1999 by Patrick Lecoanet, France. <lecoanet@cena.dgac.fr> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation, and that the name of Patrick Lecoanet not be used in * advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without * specific, written prior permission. Patrick Lecoanet makes no * representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It * is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * * PATRICK LECOANET DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO * EVENT SHALL PATRICK LECOANET BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, * DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ /* $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/input/elographics/xf86Elo.c,v 1.13 2001/04/01 14:00:13 tsi Exp $ */ /* ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* * * This driver is able to deal with Elographics SmartSet serial controllers. * It uses only a subset of the functions provided through the protocol. * * SUPPORT FOR E281-2310 and compatible controllers added with help of: * 1996/01/17 Juergen P. Meier (jpm@mailserv.rz.fh-muenchen.de) and * 1998/03/25 G.Felkel@edelmann.de * * The E281-2310 is a somewhat lobotomized 2210. * It does not support the c,g,h,k,l,p,q,s and t commands. * Especially the P command, which is used to check the baud rate. * The E281-2310 however semms to use always 9600bps, 8bit, 1stop * no parity, Hardwarehandshake (RTS-CTS) (which are the drivers * default values) * ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* */ #include "xf86Version.h" #if XF86_VERSION_CURRENT >= XF86_VERSION_NUMERIC(3,9,0,0,0) #define XFREE86_V4 #endif #ifdef XFREE86_V4 #ifndef XFree86LOADER #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #endif #include "misc.h" #include "xf86.h" #if !defined(DGUX) #include "xf86_ansic.h" #endif #include "xf86_OSproc.h" #include "xf86Xinput.h" #include "exevents.h" #ifdef XFree86LOADER #include "xf86Module.h" #endif #else /* XFREE86_V4 */ #include "Xos.h" #include <signal.h> #include <stdio.h> #define NEED_EVENTS #include "X.h" #include "Xproto.h" #include "inputstr.h" #include "scrnintstr.h" #include "XI.h" #include "XIproto.h" #if defined(sun) && !defined(i386) #include <errno.h> #include <termio.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "extio.h" #else /* defined(sun) && !defined(i386) */ #include "compiler.h" #include "xf86.h" #include "xf86Procs.h" #include "xf86_OSlib.h" #include "xf86_Config.h" #include "xf86Xinput.h" #endif /* defined(sun) && !defined(i386) */ #if !defined(sun) || defined(i386) #include "os.h" #include "osdep.h" #include "exevents.h" #include "extnsionst.h" #include "extinit.h" #endif /* !defined(sun) || defined(i386) */ #endif /* XFREE86_V4 */ #ifndef XFREE86_V4 #if !defined(sun) || defined(i386) /* *************************************************************************** * * Configuration descriptor. * *************************************************************************** */ #define PORT 1 #define ELO_DEVICE_NAME 2 #define SCREEN_NO 3 #define UNTOUCH_DELAY 4 #define REPORT_DELAY 5 #define MAXX 6 #define MAXY 7 #define MINX 8 #define MINY 9 #define DEBUG_LEVEL 10 #define HISTORY_SIZE 11 #define LINK_SPEED 12 #define ALWAYS_CORE 13 #define SWAP_AXES 14 #define PORTRAIT_MODE 15 static SymTabRec EloTab[] = { { ENDSUBSECTION, "endsubsection" }, { PORT, "port" }, { ELO_DEVICE_NAME, "devicename" }, { SCREEN_NO, "screenno" }, { UNTOUCH_DELAY, "untouchdelay" }, { REPORT_DELAY, "reportdelay"}, { MAXX, "maximumxposition" }, { MAXY, "maximumyposition" }, { MINX, "minimumxposition" }, { MINY, "minimumyposition" }, { DEBUG_LEVEL, "debuglevel" }, { HISTORY_SIZE, "historysize" }, { LINK_SPEED, "linkspeed" }, { ALWAYS_CORE, "alwayscore" }, { SWAP_AXES, "swapxy" }, { PORTRAIT_MODE, "portraitmode" }, { -1, "" }, }; #define LS300 1 #define LS1200 2 #define LS2400 3 #define LS9600 4 #define LS19200 5 static SymTabRec LinkSpeedTab[] = { { LS300, "b300" }, { LS1200, "b1200" }, { LS2400, "b2400" }, { LS9600, "b9600" }, { LS19200, "b19200" } }; #endif /* !defined(sun) || defined(i386) */ /* * This struct connects a line speed with * a compatible motion packet delay. The * driver will attempt to enforce a correct * delay (according to this table) in order to * avoid losing data in the touchscreen controller. * LinkSpeedValues should be kept in sync with * LinkSpeedTab. */ typedef struct { int speed; int delay; } LinkParameterStruct; static LinkParameterStruct LinkSpeedValues[] = { { B300, 32 }, { B1200, 8 }, { B2400, 4 }, { B9600, 1 }, { B19200, 0 } }; #endif /* XFREE86_V4 */ /* *************************************************************************** * * Default constants. * *************************************************************************** */ #define ELO_MAX_TRIALS 3 /* Number of timeouts waiting for a */ /* pending reply. */ #define ELO_MAX_WAIT 100000 /* Max wait time for a reply (microsec) */ #define ELO_UNTOUCH_DELAY 5 /* 100 ms */ #define ELO_REPORT_DELAY 1 /* 40 ms or 25 motion reports/s */ #define ELO_LINK_SPEED B9600 /* 9600 Bauds */ #define ELO_PORT "/dev/ttyS1" #define DEFAULT_MAX_X 3000 #define DEFAULT_MIN_X 600 #define DEFAULT_MAX_Y 3000 #define DEFAULT_MIN_Y 600 /* *************************************************************************** * * Protocol constants. * *************************************************************************** */ #define ELO_PACKET_SIZE 10 #define ELO_SYNC_BYTE 'U' /* Sync byte. First of a packet. */ #define ELO_TOUCH 'T' /* Report of touchs and motions. Not * * used by 2310. */ #define ELO_OWNER 'O' /* Report vendor name. */ #define ELO_ID 'I' /* Report of type and features. */ #define ELO_MODE 'M' /* Set current operating mode. */ #define ELO_PARAMETER 'P' /* Set the serial parameters. */ #define ELO_REPORT 'B' /* Set touch reports timings. */ #define ELO_ACK 'A' /* Acknowledge packet */ #define ELO_INIT_CHECKSUM 0xAA /* Initial value of checksum. */ #define ELO_PRESS 0x01 /* Flags in ELO_TOUCH status byte */ #define ELO_STREAM 0x02 #define ELO_RELEASE 0x04 #define ELO_TOUCH_MODE 0x01 /* Flags in ELO_MODE command */ #define ELO_STREAM_MODE 0x02 #define ELO_UNTOUCH_MODE 0x04 #define ELO_RANGE_CHECK_MODE 0x40 #define ELO_TRIM_MODE 0x02 #define ELO_CALIB_MODE 0x04 #define ELO_SCALING_MODE 0x08 #define ELO_TRACKING_MODE 0x40 #define ELO_SERIAL_SPEED 0x06 /* Flags for high speed serial (19200) */ #define ELO_SERIAL_MASK 0xF8 #define ELO_SERIAL_IO '0' /* Indicator byte for PARAMETER command */ /* *************************************************************************** * * Usefull macros. * *************************************************************************** */ #define WORD_ASSEMBLY(byte1, byte2) (((byte2) << 8) | (byte1)) #define SYSCALL(call) while(((call) == -1) && (errno == EINTR)) /* This one is handy, thanx Fred ! */ #ifdef DBG #undef DBG #endif #ifdef DEBUG #undef DEBUG #endif static int debug_level = 0; #define DEBUG 1 #if DEBUG #define DBG(lvl, f) {if ((lvl) <= debug_level) f;} #else #define DBG(lvl, f) #endif #ifdef XFREE86_V4 #undef SYSCALL #undef read #undef write #undef close #define SYSCALL(call) call #define read(fd, ptr, num) xf86ReadSerial(fd, ptr, num) #define write(fd, ptr, num) xf86WriteSerial(fd, ptr, num) #define close(fd) xf86CloseSerial(fd) #endif /* *************************************************************************** * * Device private records. * *************************************************************************** */ typedef struct _EloPrivateRec { char *input_dev; /* The touchscreen input tty */ int min_x; /* Minimum x reported by calibration */ int max_x; /* Maximum x */ int min_y; /* Minimum y reported by calibration */ int max_y; /* Maximum y */ int untouch_delay; /* Delay before reporting an untouch (in ms) */ int report_delay; /* Delay between touch report packets */ #ifndef XFREE86_V4 int link_speed; /* Speed of the RS232 link connecting the ts. */ #endif int screen_no; /* Screen associated with the device */ int screen_width; /* Width of the associated X screen */ int screen_height; /* Height of the screen */ Bool inited; /* The controller has already been configured ? */ Bool is_a_2310; /* Set if the smartset is a 2310. */ int checksum; /* Current checksum of data in assembly buffer */ int packet_buf_p; /* Assembly buffer pointer */ int swap_axes; /* Swap X an Y axes if != 0 */ unsigned char packet_buf[ELO_PACKET_SIZE]; /* Assembly buffer */ } EloPrivateRec, *EloPrivatePtr; #ifndef XFREE86_V4 #if !defined(sun) || defined(i386) /* *************************************************************************** * * xf86EloConfig -- * Configure the driver from the configuration data. * *************************************************************************** */ static Bool xf86EloConfig(LocalDevicePtr *array, int inx, int max, LexPtr val) { LocalDevicePtr local = array[inx]; EloPrivatePtr priv = (EloPrivatePtr)(local->private); int token; int portrait=0; while ((token = xf86GetToken(EloTab)) != ENDSUBSECTION) { switch(token) { case PORT: if (xf86GetToken(NULL) != STRING) { xf86ConfigError("Elographics input port expected"); } priv->input_dev = strdup(val->str); if (xf86Verbose) { ErrorF("%s Elographics input port: %s\n", XCONFIG_GIVEN, priv->input_dev); } break; case ELO_DEVICE_NAME: if (xf86GetToken(NULL) != STRING) { xf86ConfigError("Elographics device name expected"); } local->name = strdup(val->str); if (xf86Verbose) { ErrorF("%s Elographics X device name: %s\n", XCONFIG_GIVEN, local->name); } break; case SCREEN_NO: if (xf86GetToken(NULL) != NUMBER) { xf86ConfigError("Elographics screen number expected"); } priv->screen_no = val->num; if (xf86Verbose) { ErrorF("%s Elographics associated screen: %d\n", XCONFIG_GIVEN, priv->screen_no); } break; case UNTOUCH_DELAY: if (xf86GetToken(NULL) != NUMBER) { xf86ConfigError("Elographics untouch delay expected"); } priv->untouch_delay = val->num; if (xf86Verbose) { ErrorF("%s Elographics untouch delay: %d ms\n", XCONFIG_GIVEN, priv->untouch_delay*10); } break; case REPORT_DELAY: if (xf86GetToken(NULL) != NUMBER) { xf86ConfigError("Elographics report delay expected"); } priv->report_delay = val->num; if (xf86Verbose) { ErrorF("%s Elographics report delay: %d ms\n", XCONFIG_GIVEN, priv->report_delay*10); } break; case LINK_SPEED: { int ltoken = xf86GetToken(LinkSpeedTab); if (ltoken == EOF || ltoken == STRING || ltoken == NUMBER) { xf86ConfigError("Elographics link speed expected"); } priv->link_speed = LinkSpeedValues[ltoken-1].speed; if (xf86Verbose) { ErrorF("%s Elographics link speed: %s bps\n", XCONFIG_GIVEN, (LinkSpeedTab[ltoken-1].name)+1); } } break; case MAXX: if (xf86GetToken(NULL) != NUMBER) { xf86ConfigError("Elographics maximum x position expected"); } priv->max_x = val->num; if (xf86Verbose) { ErrorF("%s Elographics maximum x position: %d\n", XCONFIG_GIVEN, priv->max_x); } break; case MAXY: if (xf86GetToken(NULL) != NUMBER) { xf86ConfigError("Elographics maximum y position expected"); } priv->max_y = val->num; if (xf86Verbose) { ErrorF("%s Elographics maximum y position: %d\n", XCONFIG_GIVEN, priv->max_y); } break; case MINX: if (xf86GetToken(NULL) != NUMBER) { xf86ConfigError("Elographics minimum x position expected"); } priv->min_x = val->num; if (xf86Verbose) { ErrorF("%s Elographics minimum x position: %d\n", XCONFIG_GIVEN, priv->min_x); } break; case MINY: if (xf86GetToken(NULL) != NUMBER) { xf86ConfigError("Elographics minimum y position expected"); } priv->min_y = val->num; if (xf86Verbose) { ErrorF("%s Elographics minimum y position: %d\n", XCONFIG_GIVEN, priv->min_y); } break; case DEBUG_LEVEL: if (xf86GetToken(NULL) != NUMBER) { xf86ConfigError("Elographics driver debug level expected"); } debug_level = val->num; if (xf86Verbose) { #if DEBUG ErrorF("%s Elographics debug level sets to %d\n", XCONFIG_GIVEN, debug_level); #else ErrorF("%s Elographics debug not available\n", XCONFIG_GIVEN, debug_level); #endif } break; case HISTORY_SIZE: if (xf86GetToken(NULL) != NUMBER) { xf86ConfigError("Elographics motion history size expected"); } local->history_size = val->num; if (xf86Verbose) { ErrorF("%s EloGraphics motion history size is %d\n", XCONFIG_GIVEN, local->history_size); } break; case ALWAYS_CORE: xf86AlwaysCore(local, TRUE); if (xf86Verbose) { ErrorF("%s Elographics device will always stays core pointer\n", XCONFIG_GIVEN); } break; case SWAP_AXES: priv->swap_axes = 1; if (xf86Verbose) { ErrorF("%s Elographics device will work with X and Y axes swapped\n", XCONFIG_GIVEN); } break; case PORTRAIT_MODE: if (xf86GetToken(NULL) != STRING) { portrait_mode_err: xf86ConfigError("Elographics portrait mode should be: Portrait, Landscape or PortraitCCW"); } if (strcmp(val->str, "portrait") == 0) { portrait = 1; } else if (strcmp(val->str, "portraitccw") == 0) { portrait = -1; } else if (strcmp(val->str, "landscape") != 0) { goto portrait_mode_err; } if (xf86Verbose) { ErrorF("%s Elographics device will work in %s mode\n", XCONFIG_GIVEN, val->str); } break; case EOF: FatalError("Unexpected EOF (missing EndSubSection)"); break; default: xf86ConfigError("Elographics subsection keyword expected"); break; } } if (priv->max_x - priv->min_x <= 0) { ErrorF("%s Elographics: reverse x mode (minimum x position >= maximum x position)\n", XCONFIG_GIVEN); } if (priv->max_y - priv->min_y <= 0) { ErrorF("%s Elographics: reverse y mode (minimum y position >= maximum y position)\n", XCONFIG_GIVEN); } /* * The portrait adjustments need to be done after axis reversing * and axes swap. This way the driver can cope with deffective * hardware and still do the correct processing depending on the * actual display orientation. */ if (portrait == 1) { /* * Portrait Clockwise: reverse Y axis and exchange X and Y. */ int tmp; tmp = priv->min_y; priv->min_y = priv->max_y; priv->max_y = tmp; priv->swap_axes = (priv->swap_axes==0) ? 1 : 0; } else if (portrait == -1) { /* * Portrait Counter Clockwise: reverse X axis and exchange X and Y. */ int tmp; tmp = priv->min_x; priv->min_x = priv->max_x; priv->max_x = tmp; priv->swap_axes = (priv->swap_axes==0) ? 1 : 0; } DBG(2, ErrorF("xf86EloConfig port name=%s\n", priv->input_dev)) return Success; } #endif #endif /* *************************************************************************** * * xf86EloGetPacket -- * Read a packet from the port. Try to synchronize with start of * packet and compute checksum. * The packet structure read by this function is as follow: * Byte 0 : ELO_SYNC_BYTE * Byte 1 * ... * Byte 8 : packet data * Byte 9 : checksum of bytes 0 to 8 * * This function returns if a valid packet has been assembled in * buffer or if no more data is available. * * Returns Success if a packet is successfully assembled including * testing checksum. If a packet checksum is incorrect, it is discarded. * Bytes preceding the ELO_SYNC_BYTE are also discarded. * Returns !Success if out of data while reading. The start of the * partially assembled packet is left in buffer, buffer_p and * checksum reflect the current state of assembly. * *************************************************************************** */ static Bool xf86EloGetPacket(unsigned char *buffer, int *buffer_p, int *checksum, int fd) { int num_bytes; Bool ok; DBG(4, ErrorF("Entering xf86EloGetPacket with checksum == %d and buffer_p == %d\n", *checksum, *buffer_p)); /* * Try to read enough bytes to fill up the packet buffer. */ DBG(4, ErrorF("buffer_p is %d, Trying to read %d bytes from link\n", *buffer_p, ELO_PACKET_SIZE - *buffer_p)); SYSCALL(num_bytes = read(fd, (char *) (buffer + *buffer_p), ELO_PACKET_SIZE - *buffer_p)); /* * Okay, give up. */ if (num_bytes < 0) { Error("System error while reading from Elographics touchscreen."); return !Success; } DBG(4, ErrorF("Read %d bytes\n", num_bytes)); while (num_bytes) { /* * Sync with the start of a packet. */ if ((*buffer_p == 0) && (buffer[0] != ELO_SYNC_BYTE)) { /* * No match, shift data one byte toward the start of the buffer. */ ErrorF("Elographics: Dropping one byte in an attempt to synchronize: '%c' 0x%X\n", buffer[0], buffer[0]); memcpy(&buffer[0], &buffer[1], num_bytes-1); } else { /* * Compute checksum in assembly buffer. */ if (*buffer_p < ELO_PACKET_SIZE-1) { *checksum = *checksum + buffer[*buffer_p]; *checksum = *checksum % 256; DBG(4, ErrorF(" 0x%X-->0x%X ", buffer[*buffer_p], *checksum)); } (*buffer_p)++; } num_bytes--; } if (*buffer_p == ELO_PACKET_SIZE) { /* * Got a packet, validate checksum and reset state. */ ok = (*checksum == buffer[ELO_PACKET_SIZE-1]); DBG(3, ErrorF("Expecting checksum %d, got %d\n", *checksum, buffer[ELO_PACKET_SIZE-1])); *checksum = ELO_INIT_CHECKSUM; *buffer_p = 0; if (!ok) { ErrorF("Checksum error on Elographics touchscreen link\n"); return !Success; } /* * Valid packet received report it. */ return Success; } else { return !Success; } } /* *************************************************************************** * * xf86EloConvert -- * Convert extended valuators to x and y suitable for core motion * events. Return True if ok and False if the requested conversion * can't be done for the specified valuators. * *************************************************************************** */ static Bool xf86EloConvert(LocalDevicePtr local, int first, int num, int v0, int v1, int v2, int v3, int v4, int v5, int *x, int *y) { EloPrivatePtr priv = (EloPrivatePtr) local->private; int width = priv->max_x - priv->min_x; int height = priv->max_y - priv->min_y; int input_x, input_y; if (first != 0 || num != 2) { return FALSE; } DBG(3, ErrorF("EloConvert: v0(%d), v1(%d)\n", v0, v1)); if (priv->swap_axes) { input_x = v1; input_y = v0; } else { input_x = v0; input_y = v1; } *x = (priv->screen_width * (input_x - priv->min_x)) / width; *y = (priv->screen_height - (priv->screen_height * (input_y - priv->min_y)) / height); #ifdef XFREE86_V4 /* * Need to check if still on the correct screen. * This call is here so that this work can be done after * calib and before posting the event. */ xf86XInputSetScreen(local, priv->screen_no, *x, *y); #endif DBG(3, ErrorF("EloConvert: x(%d), y(%d)\n", *x, *y)); return TRUE; } /* *************************************************************************** * * xf86EloReadInput -- * Read all pending report packets from the touchscreen and enqueue * them. * If a packet is not fully received it is deferred until the next * call to the function. * Packets recognized by this function comply with the format: * * Byte 1 : ELO_TOUCH * Byte 2 : Packet type * Bit 2 : Pen Up (Release) * Bit 1 : Position (Stream) * Bit 0 : Pen Down (Press) * Byte 3 : X coordinate (lower bits) * Byte 4 : X coordinate (upper bits) * Byte 5 : Y coordinate (lower bits) * Byte 6 : Y coordinate (upper bits) * Byte 7 : Z coordinate (lower bits) * Byte 8 : Z coordinates (upper bits) * * *************************************************************************** */ static void xf86EloReadInput(LocalDevicePtr local) { EloPrivatePtr priv = (EloPrivatePtr)(local->private); int cur_x, cur_y; int state; DBG(4, ErrorF("Entering ReadInput\n")); /* * Try to get a packet. */ if (xf86EloGetPacket(priv->packet_buf, &priv->packet_buf_p, &priv->checksum, local->fd) != Success) { return; } /* * Process only ELO_TOUCHs here. */ if (priv->packet_buf[1] == ELO_TOUCH) { /* * First stick together the various pieces. */ cur_x = WORD_ASSEMBLY(priv->packet_buf[3], priv->packet_buf[4]); cur_y = WORD_ASSEMBLY(priv->packet_buf[5], priv->packet_buf[6]); state = priv->packet_buf[2] & 0x07; /* * Send events. * * We *must* generate a motion before a button change if pointer * location has changed as DIX assumes this. This is why we always * emit a motion, regardless of the kind of packet processed. */ xf86PostMotionEvent(local->dev, TRUE, 0, 2, cur_x, cur_y); /* * Emit a button press or release. */ if (state == ELO_PRESS || state == ELO_RELEASE) { xf86PostButtonEvent(local->dev, TRUE, 1, state == ELO_PRESS, 0, 2, cur_x, cur_y); } DBG(3, ErrorF("TouchScreen: x(%d), y(%d), %s\n", cur_x, cur_y, (state == ELO_PRESS) ? "Press" : ((state == ELO_RELEASE) ? "Release" : "Stream"))); } } /* *************************************************************************** * * xf86EloSendPacket -- * Emit an height bytes packet to the controller. * The function expects a valid buffer containing the * command to be sent to the controller. It fills it with the * leading sync character an the trailing checksum byte. * *************************************************************************** */ static Bool xf86EloSendPacket(unsigned char *packet, int fd) { int i, result; int sum = ELO_INIT_CHECKSUM; packet[0] = ELO_SYNC_BYTE; for (i = 0; i < ELO_PACKET_SIZE-1; i++) { sum += packet[i]; sum &= 0xFF; } packet[ELO_PACKET_SIZE-1] = sum; DBG(4, ErrorF("Sending packet : 0x%X 0x%X 0x%X 0x%X 0x%X 0x%X 0x%X 0x%X 0x%X 0x%X \n", packet[0], packet[1], packet[2], packet[3], packet[4], packet[5], packet[6], packet[7], packet[8], packet[9])); SYSCALL(result = write(fd, packet, ELO_PACKET_SIZE)); if (result != ELO_PACKET_SIZE) { DBG(5, ErrorF("System error while sending to Elographics touchscreen.\n")); return !Success; } else { return Success; } } /* *************************************************************************** * * xf86EloWaitReply -- * It is assumed that the reply will be in the few next bytes * read and will be available very soon after the query post. if * these two asumptions are not met, there are chances that the server * will be stuck for a while. * The reply type need to match parameter 'type'. * The reply is left in reply. The function returns Success if the * reply is valid and !Success otherwise. * *************************************************************************** */ #ifndef XFREE86_V4 static int xf86WaitForInput(int fd, int timeout) { fd_set readfds; struct timeval to; int r; FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_SET(fd, &readfds); to.tv_sec = 0; to.tv_usec = timeout; SYSCALL(r = select(FD_SETSIZE, &readfds, NULL, NULL, &to)); return r; } #endif static Bool xf86EloWaitReply(unsigned char type, unsigned char *reply, int fd) { Bool ok; int i, result; int reply_p = 0; int sum = ELO_INIT_CHECKSUM; DBG(4, ErrorF("Waiting a '%c' reply\n", type)); i = ELO_MAX_TRIALS; do { ok = !Success; /* * Wait half a second for the reply. The fuse counts down each * timeout and each wrong packet. */ DBG(4, ErrorF("Waiting %d ms for data from port\n", ELO_MAX_WAIT / 1000)); result = xf86WaitForInput(fd, ELO_MAX_WAIT); if (result > 0) { ok = xf86EloGetPacket(reply, &reply_p, &sum, fd); /* * Do not report an error on a 'P' query as the controller * might be a 2310. */ if (ok == Success && reply[1] != type && type != ELO_PARAMETER) { DBG(3, ErrorF("Wrong reply received\n")); ok = !Success; } } else { DBG(3, ErrorF("No answer from link : %d\n", result)); } if (result == 0) { i--; } } while(ok != Success && i); return ok; } /* *************************************************************************** * * xf86EloWaitAck -- * Wait for an acknowledge from the controller. Returns Success if * acknowledge received and reported no errors. * *************************************************************************** */ static Bool xf86EloWaitAck(int fd) { unsigned char packet[ELO_PACKET_SIZE]; int i, nb_errors; if (xf86EloWaitReply(ELO_ACK, packet, fd) == Success) { for (i = 0, nb_errors = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (packet[2 + i] != '0') { nb_errors++; } } if (nb_errors != 0) { DBG(2, ErrorF("Elographics acknowledge packet reports %d errors\n", nb_errors)); } return Success; /* return (nb_errors < 4) ? Success : !Success;*/ } else { return !Success; } } /* *************************************************************************** * * xf86EloSendQuery -- * Emit a query to the controller and blocks until the reply and * the acknowledge are read. * * The reply is left in reply. The function returns Success if the * reply is valid and !Success otherwise. * *************************************************************************** */ static Bool xf86EloSendQuery(unsigned char *request, unsigned char *reply, int fd) { Bool ok; if (xf86EloSendPacket(request, fd) == Success) { ok = xf86EloWaitReply(toupper(request[1]), reply, fd); if (ok == Success) { ok = xf86EloWaitAck(fd); } return ok; } else { return !Success; } } /* *************************************************************************** * * xf86EloSendControl -- * Emit a control command to the controller and wait for acknowledge. * * Returns Success if acknowledge received and reported no error. * *************************************************************************** */ static Bool xf86EloSendControl(unsigned char *control, int fd) { if (xf86EloSendPacket(control, fd) == Success) { return xf86EloWaitAck(fd); } else { return !Success; } } /* *************************************************************************** * * xf86EloPrintIdent -- * Print type of touchscreen and features on controller board. * *************************************************************************** */ static void xf86EloPrintIdent(unsigned char *packet, EloPrivatePtr priv) { #ifdef XFREE86_V4 xf86Msg(X_PROBED, "Elographics touchscreen is a "); switch(packet[2]) { case '0': xf86Msg(X_NONE, "AccuTouch"); break; case '1': xf86Msg(X_NONE, "DuraTouch"); break; case '2': xf86Msg(X_NONE, "Intellitouch"); break; } xf86Msg(X_NONE, ", connected through a "); switch(packet[3]) { case '0': xf86Msg(X_NONE, "serial link.\n"); break; case '1': xf86Msg(X_NONE, "PC-Bus port.\n"); break; case '2': xf86Msg(X_NONE, "Micro Channel port.\n"); break; } xf86Msg(X_PROBED, "The controller is a model "); if (packet[8] & 1) { if (priv->is_a_2310) { xf86Msg(X_NONE, "E281-2310"); } else { xf86Msg(X_NONE, "E271-2210"); } } else { xf86Msg(X_NONE, "E271-2200"); } xf86Msg(X_NONE, ", firmware revision %d.%d.\n", packet[6], packet[5]); if (packet[4]) { xf86Msg(X_PROBED, " Additional features:\n"); if (packet[4] & 0x10) { xf86Msg(X_PROBED, " External A/D converter\n"); } if (packet[4] & 0x20) { xf86Msg(X_PROBED, " 32Ko RAM\n"); } if (packet[4] & 0x40) { xf86Msg(X_PROBED, " RAM onboard\n"); } if (packet[4] & 0x80) { xf86Msg(X_PROBED, " Z axis active\n"); } xf86Msg(X_NONE, "\n"); } #else ErrorF("%s Elographics touchscreen is a ", XCONFIG_PROBED); switch(packet[2]) { case '0': ErrorF("AccuTouch"); break; case '1': ErrorF("DuraTouch"); break; case '2': ErrorF("Intellitouch"); break; } ErrorF(", connected through a "); switch(packet[3]) { case '0': ErrorF("serial link.\n"); break; case '1': ErrorF("PC-Bus port.\n"); break; case '2': ErrorF("Micro Channel port.\n"); break; } ErrorF("%s The controller is a model ", XCONFIG_PROBED); if (packet[8] & 1) { if (priv->is_a_2310) { ErrorF("E281-2310"); } else { ErrorF("E271-2210"); } } else { ErrorF("E271-2200"); } ErrorF(", firmware revision %d.%d.\n", packet[6], packet[5]); if (packet[4]) { ErrorF("%s Additional features:\n", XCONFIG_PROBED); if (packet[4] & 0x10) { ErrorF("%s External A/D converter\n", XCONFIG_PROBED); } if (packet[4] & 0x20) { ErrorF("%s 32Ko RAM\n", XCONFIG_PROBED); } if (packet[4] & 0x40) { ErrorF("%s RAM onboard\n", XCONFIG_PROBED); } if (packet[4] & 0x80) { ErrorF("%s Z axis active\n", XCONFIG_PROBED); } ErrorF("\n"); } #endif } /* *************************************************************************** * * xf86EloPtrControl -- * *************************************************************************** */ static void xf86EloPtrControl(DeviceIntPtr dev, PtrCtrl *ctrl) { } /* *************************************************************************** * * xf86EloControl -- * *************************************************************************** */ static Bool xf86EloControl(DeviceIntPtr dev, int mode) { LocalDevicePtr local = (LocalDevicePtr) dev->public.devicePrivate; EloPrivatePtr priv = (EloPrivatePtr)(local->private); unsigned char map[] = { 0, 1 }; unsigned char req[ELO_PACKET_SIZE]; unsigned char reply[ELO_PACKET_SIZE]; switch(mode) { case DEVICE_INIT: { #if defined(sun) && !defined(i386) && !defined(XFREE86_V4) char *name = (char *) getenv("ELO_DEV"); char *calib = (char *) getenv("ELO_CALIB"); char *speed = (char *) getenv("ELO_SPEED"); char *delays = (char *) getenv("ELO_DELAYS"); #endif DBG(2, ErrorF("Elographics touchscreen init...\n")); #if defined(sun) && !defined(i386) && !defined(XFREE86_V4) if (name) { priv->input_dev = strdup(name); ErrorF("Elographics touchscreen port changed to '%s'\n", priv->input_dev); } if (calib) { if (sscanf(calib, "%d %d %d %d", &priv->min_x, &priv->max_x, &priv->min_y, &priv->max_y) != 4) { ErrorF("Incorrect syntax in ELO_CALIB\n"); return !Success; } else if (priv->max_x <= priv->min_x || priv->max_y <= priv->min_y) { ErrorF("Bogus calibration data in ELO_CALIB\n"); return !Success; } else { ErrorF("Calibration will be done with:\n"); ErrorF("x_min=%d, x_max=%d, y_min=%d, y_max=%d\n", priv->min_x, priv->max_x, priv->min_y, priv->max_y); } } if (speed) { /* These tests should be kept in sync with the LinkSpeedValues * array. */ if (strcmp(speed, "B9600") == 0) { priv->link_speed = B9600; } else if (strcmp(speed, "B19200") == 0) { priv->link_speed = B19200; } else if (strcmp(speed, "B2400") == 0) { priv->link_speed = B2400; } else if (strcmp(speed, "B1200") == 0) { priv->link_speed = B1200; } else if (strcmp(speed, "B300") == 0) { priv->link_speed = B300; } else { ErrorF("Bogus speed value in ELO_SPEED\n"); return !Success; } } if (delays) { if (sscanf(delays, "%d %d", &priv->untouch_delay, &priv->report_delay) != 2) { ErrorF("Bogus delays data in ELO_DELAYS\n"); } else { ErrorF("Untouch delay will be: %d\n", priv->untouch_delay); ErrorF("Report delay will be: %d\n", priv->report_delay); } } #endif if (priv->screen_no >= screenInfo.numScreens || priv->screen_no < 0) { priv->screen_no = 0; } priv->screen_width = screenInfo.screens[priv->screen_no]->width; priv->screen_height = screenInfo.screens[priv->screen_no]->height; /* * Device reports button press for up to 1 button. */ if (InitButtonClassDeviceStruct(dev, 1, map) == FALSE) { ErrorF("Unable to allocate Elographics touchscreen ButtonClassDeviceStruct\n"); return !Success; } if (InitFocusClassDeviceStruct(dev) == FALSE) { ErrorF("Unable to allocate Elographics touchscreen FocusClassDeviceStruct\n"); return !Success; } if (InitPtrFeedbackClassDeviceStruct(dev, xf86EloPtrControl) == FALSE) { ErrorF("unable to init ptr feedback\n"); return !Success; } /* * Device reports motions on 2 axes in absolute coordinates. * Axes min and max values are reported in raw coordinates. * Resolution is computed roughly by the difference between * max and min values scaled from the approximate size of the * screen to fit one meter. */ if (InitValuatorClassDeviceStruct(dev, 2, xf86GetMotionEvents, local->history_size, Absolute) == FALSE) { ErrorF("Unable to allocate Elographics touchscreen ValuatorClassDeviceStruct\n"); return !Success; } else { InitValuatorAxisStruct(dev, 0, priv->min_x, priv->max_x, 9500, 0 /* min_res */, 9500 /* max_res */); InitValuatorAxisStruct(dev, 1, priv->min_y, priv->max_y, 10500, 0 /* min_res */, 10500 /* max_res */); } if (InitFocusClassDeviceStruct(dev) == FALSE) { ErrorF("Unable to allocate Elographics touchscreen FocusClassDeviceStruct\n"); } /* * Allocate the motion events buffer. */ xf86MotionHistoryAllocate(local); /* * This once has caused the server to crash after doing an xalloc & strcpy ?? */ #ifndef XFREE86_V4 AssignTypeAndName(dev, local->atom, local->name); #endif DBG(2, ErrorF("Done.\n")); return Success; } case DEVICE_ON: DBG(2, ErrorF("Elographics touchscreen on...\n")); if (local->fd < 0) { #ifndef XFREE86_V4 struct termios termios_tty; int i, result; #endif DBG(2, ErrorF("Elographics touchscreen opening : %s\n", priv->input_dev)); #ifdef XFREE86_V4 local->fd = xf86OpenSerial(local->options); if (local->fd < 0) { Error("Unable to open Elographics touchscreen device"); return !Success; } #else SYSCALL(local->fd = open(priv->input_dev, O_RDWR|O_NDELAY, 0)); if (local->fd < 0) { Error("Unable to open Elographics touchscreen device"); return !Success; } DBG(3, ErrorF("Try to see if the link is at the specified rate\n")); memset(&termios_tty, 0, sizeof(termios_tty)); termios_tty.c_cflag = priv->link_speed | CS8 | CREAD | CLOCAL; termios_tty.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; SYSCALL(result = tcsetattr(local->fd, TCSANOW, &termios_tty)); if (result < 0) { Error("Unable to configure Elographics touchscreen port"); goto not_success; } #endif /* * Try to see if the link is at the specified rate and * ask the controller to report various infos. */ memset(req, 0, ELO_PACKET_SIZE); req[1] = tolower(ELO_PARAMETER); if (xf86EloSendQuery(req, reply, local->fd) != Success) { priv->is_a_2310 = 1; ErrorF("Not at the specified rate or model 2310, will continue\n"); } /* * Ask the controller to report various infos. */ memset(req, 0, ELO_PACKET_SIZE); req[1] = tolower(ELO_ID); if (xf86EloSendQuery(req, reply, local->fd) == Success) { xf86EloPrintIdent(reply, priv); } else { ErrorF("Unable to ask Elographics touchscreen identification\n"); goto not_success; } /* * Set the operating mode: Stream, no scaling, no calibration, * no range checking, no trim, tracking enabled. */ memset(req, 0, ELO_PACKET_SIZE); req[1] = ELO_MODE; req[3] = ELO_TOUCH_MODE | ELO_STREAM_MODE | ELO_UNTOUCH_MODE; req[4] = ELO_TRACKING_MODE; if (xf86EloSendControl(req, local->fd) != Success) { ErrorF("Unable to change Elographics touchscreen operating mode\n"); goto not_success; } #ifndef XFREE86_V4 /* * Check if the report delay is compatible with the selected * link speed and reset it otherwise. */ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(LinkSpeedValues)/sizeof(LinkParameterStruct); i++) { if (LinkSpeedValues[i].speed == priv->link_speed) { if (LinkSpeedValues[i].delay > priv->report_delay) { ErrorF("Changing report delay from %d ms to %d ms to comply with link speed\n", priv->report_delay*10, LinkSpeedValues[i].delay*10); priv->report_delay = LinkSpeedValues[i].delay; } } } #endif /* * Set the touch reports timings from configuration data. */ memset(req, 0, ELO_PACKET_SIZE); req[1] = ELO_REPORT; req[2] = priv->untouch_delay; req[3] = priv->report_delay; if (xf86EloSendControl(req, local->fd) != Success) { ErrorF("Unable to change Elographics touchscreen reports timings\n"); not_success: SYSCALL(close(local->fd)); local->fd = -1; return !Success; } #ifdef XFREE86_V4 xf86AddEnabledDevice(local); #else AddEnabledDevice(local->fd); #endif dev->public.on = TRUE; } DBG(2, ErrorF("Done\n")); return Success; /* * Deactivate the device. After this, the device will not emit * events until a subsequent DEVICE_ON. Thus, we can momentarily * close the port. */ case DEVICE_OFF: DBG(2, ErrorF("Elographics touchscreen off...\n")); dev->public.on = FALSE; if (local->fd >= 0) { #ifdef XFREE86_V4 xf86RemoveEnabledDevice(local); #else RemoveEnabledDevice(local->fd); #endif } SYSCALL(close(local->fd)); local->fd = -1; DBG(2, ErrorF("Done\n")); return Success; /* * Final close before server exit. This is used during server shutdown. * Close the port and free all the resources. */ case DEVICE_CLOSE: DBG(2, ErrorF("Elographics touchscreen close...\n")); dev->public.on = FALSE; if (local->fd >= 0) { #ifdef XFREE86_V4 xf86RemoveEnabledDevice(local); #else RemoveEnabledDevice(local->fd); #endif } SYSCALL(close(local->fd)); local->fd = -1; DBG(2, ErrorF("Done\n")); return Success; default: ErrorF("unsupported mode=%d\n", mode); return !Success; } } /* *************************************************************************** * * xf86EloAllocate -- * *************************************************************************** */ static LocalDevicePtr #ifndef XFREE86_V4 xf86EloAllocate(void) #else xf86EloAllocate(InputDriverPtr drv) #endif { LocalDevicePtr local; EloPrivatePtr priv; priv = xalloc(sizeof(EloPrivateRec)); if (!priv) return NULL; #ifndef XFREE86_V4 local = (LocalDevicePtr) xalloc(sizeof(LocalDeviceRec)); #else local = xf86AllocateInput(drv, 0); #endif if (!local) { xfree(priv); return NULL; } #ifdef XFREE86_V4 priv->input_dev = strdup(ELO_PORT); #else priv->input_dev = ELO_PORT; priv->link_speed = ELO_LINK_SPEED; #endif priv->min_x = 0; priv->max_x = 3000; priv->min_y = 0; priv->max_y = 3000; priv->untouch_delay = ELO_UNTOUCH_DELAY; priv->report_delay = ELO_REPORT_DELAY; priv->screen_no = 0; priv->screen_width = -1; priv->screen_height = -1; priv->inited = 0; priv->is_a_2310 = 0; priv->checksum = ELO_INIT_CHECKSUM; priv->packet_buf_p = 0; priv->swap_axes = 0; local->name = XI_TOUCHSCREEN; local->flags = 0 /* XI86_NO_OPEN_ON_INIT */; #ifndef XFREE86_V4 #if !defined(sun) || defined(i386) local->device_config = xf86EloConfig; #endif #endif local->device_control = xf86EloControl; local->read_input = xf86EloReadInput; local->control_proc = NULL; local->close_proc = NULL; local->switch_mode = NULL; local->conversion_proc = xf86EloConvert; local->reverse_conversion_proc = NULL; local->fd = -1; local->atom = 0; local->dev = NULL; local->private = priv; local->type_name = "Elographics TouchScreen"; local->history_size = 0; return local; } #ifndef XFREE86_V4 /* *************************************************************************** * * Elographics device association -- * *************************************************************************** */ DeviceAssocRec elographics_assoc = { "elographics", /* config_section_name */ xf86EloAllocate /* device_allocate */ }; #ifdef DYNAMIC_MODULE /* *************************************************************************** * * entry point of dynamic loading * *************************************************************************** */ int #ifndef DLSYM_BUG init_module(unsigned long server_version) #else init_xf86Elo(unsigned long server_version) #endif { xf86AddDeviceAssoc(&elographics_assoc); if (server_version != XF86_VERSION_CURRENT) { ErrorF("Warning: Elographics module compiled for version%s\n", XF86_VERSION); return 0; } else { return 1; } } #endif #else /* XFREE86_V4 */ static void xf86EloUninit(InputDriverPtr drv, LocalDevicePtr local, int flags) { EloPrivatePtr priv = (EloPrivatePtr) local->private; xf86EloControl(local->dev, DEVICE_OFF); xfree(priv->input_dev); xfree(priv); xfree(local->name); xfree(local); xf86DeleteInput(local, 0); } static const char *default_options[] = { "BaudRate", "9600", "StopBits", "1", "DataBits", "8", "Parity", "None", "Vmin", "10", "Vtime", "1", "FlowControl", "None", NULL }; static InputInfoPtr xf86EloInit(InputDriverPtr drv, IDevPtr dev, int flags) { LocalDevicePtr local=NULL; EloPrivatePtr priv=NULL; char *str; int portrait = 0; local = xf86EloAllocate(drv); if (!local) { return NULL; } priv = local->private; local->conf_idev = dev; xf86CollectInputOptions(local, default_options, NULL); /* Process the common options. */ xf86ProcessCommonOptions(local, local->options); str = xf86FindOptionValue(local->options, "Device"); if (!str) { xf86Msg(X_ERROR, "%s: No Device specified in Elographics module config.\n", dev->identifier); if (priv) { if (priv->input_dev) { xfree(priv->input_dev); } xfree(priv); } return local; } priv->input_dev = strdup(str); local->name = xf86SetStrOption(local->options, "DeviceName", XI_TOUCHSCREEN); xf86Msg(X_CONFIG, "Elographics X device name: %s\n", local->name); priv->screen_no = xf86SetIntOption(local->options, "ScreenNo", 0); xf86Msg(X_CONFIG, "Elographics associated screen: %d\n", priv->screen_no); priv->untouch_delay = xf86SetIntOption(local->options, "UntouchDelay", ELO_UNTOUCH_DELAY); xf86Msg(X_CONFIG, "Elographics untouch delay: %d ms\n", priv->untouch_delay*10); priv->report_delay = xf86SetIntOption(local->options, "ReportDelay", ELO_REPORT_DELAY); xf86Msg(X_CONFIG, "Elographics report delay: %d ms\n", priv->report_delay*10); priv->max_x = xf86SetIntOption(local->options, "MaxX", 3000); xf86Msg(X_CONFIG, "Elographics maximum x position: %d\n", priv->max_x); priv->min_x = xf86SetIntOption(local->options, "MinX", 0); xf86Msg(X_CONFIG, "Elographics minimum x position: %d\n", priv->min_x); priv->max_y = xf86SetIntOption(local->options, "MaxY", 3000); xf86Msg(X_CONFIG, "Elographics maximum y position: %d\n", priv->max_y); priv->min_y = xf86SetIntOption(local->options, "MinY", 0); xf86Msg(X_CONFIG, "Elographics minimum y position: %d\n", priv->min_y); priv->swap_axes = xf86SetBoolOption(local->options, "SwapXY", 0); if (priv->swap_axes) { xf86Msg(X_CONFIG, "Elographics device will work with X and Y axes swapped\n"); } debug_level = xf86SetIntOption(local->options, "DebugLevel", 0); if (debug_level) { #if DEBUG xf86Msg(X_CONFIG, "Elographics debug level sets to %d\n", debug_level); #else xf86Msg(X_INFO, "Elographics debug not available\n"); #endif } str = xf86SetStrOption(local->options, "PortraitMode", "Landscape"); if (strcmp(str, "Portrait") == 0) { portrait = 1; } else if (strcmp(str, "PortraitCCW") == 0) { portrait = -1; } else if (strcmp(str, "Landscape") != 0) { xf86Msg(X_ERROR, "Elographics portrait mode should be: Portrait, Landscape or PortraitCCW"); str = "Landscape"; } xf86Msg(X_CONFIG, "Elographics device will work in %s mode\n", str); if (priv->max_x - priv->min_x <= 0) { xf86Msg(X_INFO, "Elographics: reverse x mode (minimum x position >= maximum x position)\n"); } if (priv->max_y - priv->min_y <= 0) { xf86Msg(X_INFO, "Elographics: reverse y mode (minimum y position >= maximum y position)\n"); } if (portrait == 1) { /* * Portrait Clockwise: reverse Y axis and exchange X and Y. */ int tmp; tmp = priv->min_y; priv->min_y = priv->max_y; priv->max_y = tmp; priv->swap_axes = (priv->swap_axes==0) ? 1 : 0; } else if (portrait == -1) { /* * Portrait Counter Clockwise: reverse X axis and exchange X and Y. */ int tmp; tmp = priv->min_x; priv->min_x = priv->max_x; priv->max_x = tmp; priv->swap_axes = (priv->swap_axes==0) ? 1 : 0; } /* mark the device configured */ local->flags |= XI86_CONFIGURED; return local; } #ifdef XFree86LOADER static #endif InputDriverRec ELOGRAPHICS = { 1, /* driver version */ "elographics", /* driver name */ NULL, /* identify */ xf86EloInit, /* pre-init */ xf86EloUninit, /* un-init */ NULL, /* module */ 0 /* ref count */ }; #ifdef XFree86LOADER static pointer Plug(pointer module, pointer options, int *errmaj, int *errmin) { xf86AddInputDriver(&ELOGRAPHICS, module, 0); return module; } static void Unplug(pointer p) { DBG(1, ErrorF("EloUnplug\n")); } static XF86ModuleVersionInfo version_rec = { "elographics", MODULEVENDORSTRING, MODINFOSTRING1, MODINFOSTRING2, XORG_VERSION_CURRENT, 1, 0, 0, ABI_CLASS_XINPUT, ABI_XINPUT_VERSION, MOD_CLASS_XINPUT, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; /* * This is the entry point in the module. The name * is setup after the pattern <module_name>ModuleData. * Do not change it. */ XF86ModuleData elographicsModuleData = { &version_rec, Plug, Unplug }; #endif #endif /* XFREE86_V4 */