/* * $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/input/magictouch/xf86MagicTouch.c,v 1.2tsi Exp $ */ #include <xf86Version.h> #if XF86_VERSION_CURRENT >= XF86_VERSION_NUMERIC(3,9,0,0,0) #define XFREE86_V4 #endif #ifdef XFREE86_V4 #ifndef XFree86LOADER #include <errno.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #endif #include <misc.h> #include <xf86.h> #if !defined(DGUX) #include <xf86_ansic.h> #endif #include <xf86_OSproc.h> #include <xf86Xinput.h> #include <exevents.h> #ifdef XFree86LOADER #include <xf86Module.h> #endif #else /* XFREE86_V4 */ #include "Xos.h" #include <signal.h> #include <stdio.h> #define NEED_EVENTS #include "X.h" #include "Xproto.h" #include "inputstr.h" #include "scrnintstr.h" #include "XI.h" #include "XIproto.h" #if defined(sun) && !defined(i386) #include <errno.h> #include <termio.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "extio.h" #else /* defined(sun) && !defined(i386) */ #include "compiler.h" #include "xf86.h" #include "xf86Procs.h" #include "xf86_OSlib.h" #include "xf86_Config.h" #include "xf86Xinput.h" #include "xf86Version.h" #endif /* defined(sun) && !defined(i386) */ #if !defined(sun) || defined(i386) #include "os.h" #include "osdep.h" #include "exevents.h" #include "extnsionst.h" #include "extinit.h" #endif /* !defined(sun) || defined(i386) */ #endif /* XFREE86_V4 */ #ifndef XFREE86_V4 #if !defined(sun) || defined(i386) /* *************************************************************************** * * Configuration descriptor. * *************************************************************************** */ #define PORT 1 #define MAGIC_DEVICE_NAME 2 #define SCREEN_NO 3 #define MAXX 4 #define MAXY 5 #define MINX 6 #define MINY 7 #define DEBUG_LEVEL 8 #define HISTORY_SIZE 9 #define LINK_SPEED 10 #define ALWAYS_CORE 11 #define SWAP_AXES 12 #define N_SAMPLE_X 13 #define N_SAMPLE_Y 14 static SymTabRec MagicTab[] = { { ENDSUBSECTION, "endsubsection" }, { PORT, "port" }, { MAGIC_DEVICE_NAME, "devicename" }, { SCREEN_NO, "screenno" }, { MAXX, "maximumxposition" }, { MAXY, "maximumyposition" }, { MINX, "minimumxposition" }, { MINY, "minimumyposition" }, { DEBUG_LEVEL, "debuglevel" }, { HISTORY_SIZE, "historysize" }, { LINK_SPEED, "linkspeed" }, { ALWAYS_CORE, "alwayscore" }, { SWAP_AXES, "swapxy" }, { N_SAMPLE_X, "numsamplex" }, { N_SAMPLE_Y, "numsampley" }, { -1, "" }, }; #define LS1200 1 #define LS2400 2 #define LS4800 3 #define LS9600 4 static SymTabRec LinkSpeedTab[] = { { LS1200, "b1200" }, { LS2400, "b2400" }, { LS4800, "b4800" }, { LS9600, "b9600" } }; #endif /* !defined(sun) || defined(i386) */ /* * This struct connects a line speed with * a compatible motion packet delay. The * driver will attempt to enforce a correct * delay (according to this table) in order to * avoid losing data in the touchscreen controller. * LinkSpeedValues should be kept in sync with * LinkSpeedTab. */ typedef struct { int speed; int delay; } LinkParameterStruct; static LinkParameterStruct LinkSpeedValues[] = { { B1200, 8 }, { B2400, 4 }, { B4800, 2 }, { B9600, 1 } }; #endif /* XFREE86_V4 */ /* *************************************************************************** * * Default constants. * *************************************************************************** */ #define MAGIC_PACKET_SIZE 5 #define MAGIC_PORT "/dev/magictouch" #define MAGIC_LINK_SPEED B9600 /* First byte of the packet */ #define MGCT_TOUCH 0x01 #define MGCT_RKEY 0x02 #define MGCT_LKEY 0x04 #define MGCT_MKEY 0x08 #define MGCT_CLICK_STATUS 0x10 #define MEDIE_X 20 #define MEDIE_Y 20 /* *************************************************************************** * * Usefull macros. * *************************************************************************** */ #define WORD_ASSEMBLY(byte1, byte2) (((byte2) << 8) | (byte1)) #define SYSCALL(call) while(((call) == -1) && (errno == EINTR)) /* This one is handy, thanx Fred ! */ #ifdef DBG #undef DBG #endif #ifdef DEBUG #undef DEBUG #endif static int debug_level = 0; #define DEBUG 1 #if DEBUG #define DBG(lvl, f) {if ((lvl) == debug_level) { f; } } #else #define DBG(lvl, f) #endif #ifdef XFREE86_V4 #undef SYSCALL #undef read #undef write #undef close #undef strdup #define SYSCALL(call) call #define read(fd, ptr, num) xf86ReadSerial(fd, ptr, num) #define write(fd, ptr, num) xf86WriteSerial(fd, ptr, num) #define close(fd) xf86CloseSerial(fd) #define strdup(str) xf86strdup(str) #endif /* *************************************************************************** * * Device private records. * *************************************************************************** */ typedef struct _MagicPrivateRec { char *input_dev; /* The touchscreen input tty */ int min_x; /* Minimum x reported by calibration */ int max_x; /* Maximum x */ int min_y; /* Minimum y reported by calibration */ int max_y; /* Maximum y */ #ifndef XFREE86_V4 int link_speed; /* Speed of the RS232 link connecting the ts. */ #endif int screen_no; /* Screen associated with the device */ int screen_width; /* Width of the associated X screen */ int screen_height; /* Height of the screen */ int swap_axes; /* Swap X an Y axes if != 0 */ unsigned char packet_buf[MAGIC_PACKET_SIZE]; /* Assembly buffer */ int packet_pos; int buf_x[MEDIE_X], i_x, num_medie_x; int buf_y[MEDIE_Y], i_y, num_medie_y; Bool first_x, first_y; Bool first_entry; Bool e_presente; Bool click_on; } MagicPrivateRec, *MagicPrivatePtr; #ifndef XFREE86_V4 #if !defined(sun) || defined(i386) /* **************************************************************************** * xf86MagicConfig -- * Configure the device driver from configuration data **************************************************************************** */ static Bool xf86MagicConfig(LocalDevicePtr *array, int inx, int max, LexPtr val) { LocalDevicePtr local = array[inx]; MagicPrivatePtr priv = (MagicPrivatePtr)(local->private); int token; while ((token = xf86GetToken(MagicTab)) != ENDSUBSECTION) { switch(token) { case PORT: if (xf86GetToken(NULL) != STRING) { xf86ConfigError("MagicTouch input port expected"); } priv->input_dev = strdup(val->str); if (xf86Verbose) { ErrorF("%s MagicTouch input port: %s\n", XCONFIG_GIVEN, priv->input_dev); } break; case MAGIC_DEVICE_NAME: if (xf86GetToken(NULL) != STRING) { xf86ConfigError("Magictouch device name expected"); } local->name = strdup(val->str); if (xf86Verbose) { ErrorF("%s MagicTouch X device name: %s\n", XCONFIG_GIVEN, local->name); } break; case SCREEN_NO: if (xf86GetToken(NULL) != NUMBER) { xf86ConfigError("MagicTouch screen number expected"); } priv->screen_no = val->num; if (xf86Verbose) { ErrorF("%s MagicTouch associated screen: %d\n", XCONFIG_GIVEN, priv->screen_no); } break; case LINK_SPEED: { int ltoken = xf86GetToken(LinkSpeedTab); if (ltoken == EOF || ltoken == STRING || ltoken == NUMBER) { xf86ConfigError("MagicTouch link speed expected"); } priv->link_speed = LinkSpeedValues[ltoken-1].speed; if (xf86Verbose) { ErrorF("%s MagicTouch link speed: %s bps\n", XCONFIG_GIVEN, (LinkSpeedTab[ltoken-1].name)+1); } } break; case MAXX: if (xf86GetToken(NULL) != NUMBER) { xf86ConfigError("MagicTouch maximum x position expected"); } priv->max_x = val->num; if (xf86Verbose) { ErrorF("%s MagicTouch maximum x position: %d\n", XCONFIG_GIVEN, priv->max_x); } break; case MAXY: if (xf86GetToken(NULL) != NUMBER) { xf86ConfigError("MagicTouch maximum y position expected"); } priv->max_y = val->num; if (xf86Verbose) { ErrorF("%s MagicTouch maximum y position: %d\n", XCONFIG_GIVEN, priv->max_y); } break; case MINX: if (xf86GetToken(NULL) != NUMBER) { xf86ConfigError("MagicTouch minimum x position expected"); } priv->min_x = val->num; if (xf86Verbose) { ErrorF("%s MagicTouch minimum x position: %d\n", XCONFIG_GIVEN, priv->min_x); } break; case MINY: if (xf86GetToken(NULL) != NUMBER) { xf86ConfigError("MagicTouch minimum y position expected"); } priv->min_y = val->num; if (xf86Verbose) { ErrorF("%s MagicTouch minimum y position: %d\n", XCONFIG_GIVEN, priv->min_y); } break; case DEBUG_LEVEL: if (xf86GetToken(NULL) != NUMBER) { xf86ConfigError("MagicTouch driver debug level expected"); } debug_level = val->num; if (xf86Verbose) { #if DEBUG ErrorF("%s MagicTouch debug level sets to %d\n", XCONFIG_GIVEN, debug_level); #else ErrorF("%s MagicTouch debug not available\n", XCONFIG_GIVEN, debug_level); #endif } break; case HISTORY_SIZE: if (xf86GetToken(NULL) != NUMBER) { xf86ConfigError("MagicTouch motion history size expected"); } local->history_size = val->num; if (xf86Verbose) { ErrorF("%s MagicTouch motion history size is %d\n", XCONFIG_GIVEN, local->history_size); } break; case ALWAYS_CORE: xf86AlwaysCore(local, TRUE); if (xf86Verbose) { ErrorF("%s MagicTouch device will always stays core pointer\n", XCONFIG_GIVEN); } break; case SWAP_AXES: priv->swap_axes = 1; if (xf86Verbose) { ErrorF("%s MagicTouch device will work with X and Y axes swapped\n", XCONFIG_GIVEN); } break; case N_SAMPLE_X: if (xf86GetToken(NULL) != NUMBER) { xf86ConfigError("MagicTouch driver NumSamplesX expected"); } priv->num_medie_x = val->num; if (priv->num_medie_x>MEDIE_X) priv->num_medie_x=MEDIE_X; DBG(4, ErrorF("NumSampleX = %d\n", priv->num_medie_x) ); break; case N_SAMPLE_Y: if (xf86GetToken(NULL) != NUMBER) { xf86ConfigError("MagicTouch driver NumSamplesY expected"); } priv->num_medie_y = val->num; if (priv->num_medie_y>MEDIE_Y) priv->num_medie_y=MEDIE_Y; DBG(4, ErrorF("NumSampleY = %d\n", priv->num_medie_y) ); break; case EOF: FatalError("Unexpected EOF (missing EndSubSection)"); break; default: xf86ConfigError("MagicTouch subsection keyword expected"); break; } } if (priv->max_x - priv->min_x <= 0) { ErrorF("%s MagicTouch: reverse x mode (minimum x position >= maximum x position)\n", XCONFIG_GIVEN); } if (priv->max_y - priv->min_y <= 0) { ErrorF("%s MagicTouch: reverse y mode (minimum y position >= maximum y position)\n", XCONFIG_GIVEN); } DBG(2, ErrorF("xf86MagicConfig port name=%s\n", priv->input_dev)) return Success; } #endif /* !defined(sun) || defined(i386) */ #endif /* XFREE86_V4 */ /**************************************************************************** * * xf86MagicQueryOK -- * Testa la presenza del touch controller. * Si osserva che al primo accesso al touch dopo l'accensione e' * presente nel buffer di ricezione il codice 0xF che identifica la * vera presenza del touch controller. * Dal secondo accesso in poi bisogna interrogare il touch controller * per verificarne l'esistenza. **************************************************************************** */ static Bool xf86MagicQueryOK(int fd) { Bool ok; int result; char buf; ok = Success; /* Provo a leggere un byte dal buffer di ricezione */ SYSCALL( result = read(fd, &buf, 1) ); DBG(4, ErrorF("<<%s[%d]>> QueryOK: read --> %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, result) ); /* Se result e' -1 vuol dire che non c'e' nessun carattere nel buffer. Allora X/Window e' stato avviato almeno una volta */ if (result<0) { DBG(4, ErrorF("Avvio n-esimo di X/Windows\n"); ErrorF("Controllo presenza Touch Controller\n") ); /* Cerco il touch controller. Invio il carattere 0x00. */ buf = 0; SYSCALL( result = write(fd, &buf, 1) ); /* Attendo 20 ms per dare il tempo al touch controller di capire il comando */ usleep(20000); /* Leggo la risposta */ SYSCALL( result = read(fd, &buf, 1) ); DBG(4, ErrorF("QueryOK: buf==%X, result==%d\n", buf, result) ); } /* Se result<0 allora il touch controller non e' presente sul disposito. Non posso proseguire */ if (result<0) { DBG(4, ErrorF("<<%s[%d]>> result<0\n", __FILE__, __LINE__) ); ok = !Success; } /* Se il touch controller ha risposto allora controllo cosa ha risposto */ else { ok = (buf==0xF ? Success : !Success); DBG(4, ErrorF("<<%s[%d]>> QueryOK buf==%x\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, buf) ); } return ok; } /* *********************************************************************** * * xf86MagicControl * *********************************************************************** */ static Bool xf86MagicControl(DeviceIntPtr dev, int mode) { LocalDevicePtr local = (LocalDevicePtr) dev->public.devicePrivate; MagicPrivatePtr priv = (MagicPrivatePtr)(local->private); unsigned char map[] = { 0, 1 }; unsigned char req[MAGIC_PACKET_SIZE], replay[MAGIC_PACKET_SIZE]; int status_line; switch (mode) { case DEVICE_INIT: DBG(2, ErrorF("MagicTouch init...\n") ); /* Controlla il numero di schermo selezionato */ if (priv->screen_no >= screenInfo.numScreens || priv->screen_no<0) priv->screen_no = 0; /* Legge le dimensioni dello schermo */ priv->screen_width = screenInfo.screens[priv->screen_no]->width; priv->screen_height = screenInfo.screens[priv->screen_no]->height; if (InitButtonClassDeviceStruct(dev, 1, map)==FALSE) { ErrorF("Impossibile allocare ButtonClassDeviceStruct per MagicTouch\n"); return !Success; } if (InitFocusClassDeviceStruct(dev)==FALSE) { ErrorF("Impossibile allocare FocusClassDeviceStruct per MagicTouch\n"); return !Success; } /* * Il movimento viene eseguito su due assi in coordinate assolute. */ if (InitValuatorClassDeviceStruct(dev, 2, xf86GetMotionEvents, local->history_size, Absolute) == FALSE ) { ErrorF("MagicTouch ValuatorClassDeviceStruct: ERRORE\n"); return !Success; } else { InitValuatorAxisStruct(dev, 0, priv->min_x, priv->max_x, 9500, 0, /* min res */ 9500 /* max res */); InitValuatorAxisStruct(dev, 1, priv->min_y, priv->max_y, 10500, 0, 10500); } if (InitFocusClassDeviceStruct(dev)==FALSE) { ErrorF("Impossibile allocare FocusClassDeviceStruct per MagicTouch\n"); } /* * Alloca il buffer degli eventi spostamento */ xf86MotionHistoryAllocate(local); #ifndef XFREE86_V4 AssignTypeAndName(dev, local->atom, local->name); #endif /* XFREE86_V4 */ DBG(2, ErrorF("MagicTouch INIT OK\n") ); break; /* DEVICE_INIT*/ case DEVICE_ON: DBG(2, ErrorF("MagicTouch ON\n") ); if (local->fd<0) { #ifndef XFREE86_V4 struct termios termios_tty; int i,result; #endif DBG(2, ErrorF("Opening device...\n") ); #ifdef XFREE86_V4 local->fd = xf86OpenSerial(local->options); if (local->fd<0) { ErrorF("Impossibile aprire MagicTouch\n"); return !Success; } #else SYSCALL( local->fd = open(priv->input_dev, O_RDWR | O_NDELAY, 0) ); if (local->fd<0) { Error("Impossibile aprire MagicTouch\n"); return !Success; } DBG(3, ErrorF("Provo a configurare il MagicTouch\n") ); memset(&termios_tty, 0, sizeof(termios_tty) ); termios_tty.c_iflag = 0; termios_tty.c_cflag = priv->link_speed | CS8 | CREAD | CLOCAL; termios_tty.c_oflag = 0; termios_tty.c_lflag = 0; termios_tty.c_cc[VTIME]=0; termios_tty.c_cc[VMIN]=1; /* * Attivo l'RTS per abilitare il touch controller */ #if 0 SYSCALL( result = ioctl(local->fd, TIOCMGET, &status_line) ); if (result<0) { Error("Impossibile leggere stato linee seriale\n"); close(local->fd); return !Success; } status_line |= TIOCM_RTS; SYSCALL( result = ioctl(local->fd, TIOCMSET, &status_line) ); if (result<0) { Error("Impossibile settare stato linee seriale\n"); close(local->fd); return !Success; } #endif SYSCALL( result = tcsetattr(local->fd, TCSANOW, &termios_tty) ); if (result<0) { Error("Impossibile configurare MagicTouch\n"); close(local->fd); return !Success; } #endif /* Controlla se e' presente il touch controller.*/ req[0] = 0x00; if (xf86MagicQueryOK(local->fd)!=Success) { ErrorF("MagicTouch not present\n"); close(local->fd); return !Success; } priv->e_presente = TRUE; AddEnabledDevice(local->fd); dev->public.on = TRUE; } /* if (local->fd<0) */ break; /* DEVICE_ON */ case DEVICE_CLOSE: case DEVICE_OFF: DBG(2, ErrorF("MagicTouch OFF\n") ); dev->public.on = FALSE; if (local->fd>=0) emoveEnabledDevice(local->fd); SYSCALL( close(local->fd) ); local->fd = -1; DBG(2, ErrorF("OK\n") ); break; /* DEVICE_OFF*/ default: ErrorF("unsupported mode %d\n", mode); return !Success; } /* switch (mode) */ return Success; } /* *************************************************************************** * * GetPacket -- * *************************************************************************** */ static Bool GetPacket(LocalDevicePtr local, unsigned char *buffer, int *n_rx, int fd) { int num_bytes; int i; Bool ok; MagicPrivatePtr priv=(MagicPrivatePtr) local->private; DBG(6, ErrorF("Entering GetPacket with packet_pos == %d\n", *n_rx) ); SYSCALL( num_bytes=read(fd, buffer+*n_rx, MAGIC_PACKET_SIZE-*n_rx) ); /* Se e' il primo ingresso nella procedura e ho letto un solo byte, allora e' arrivato lo 0x0F di risposta all-inizializzazione del touch controlloer */ /* Sto gia' leggendo un pacchetto normale */ *n_rx += num_bytes; DBG(8, for (i=0; i<*n_rx; i++) ErrorF("%3X", buffer[i]); ErrorF("\n") ); ok = (*n_rx==MAGIC_PACKET_SIZE ? Success : !Success ); if (ok==Success) *n_rx = 0; DBG(6, if(ok==Success) ErrorF("GetPacket OK\n"); else ErrorF("GetPacket FAIL\n") ); return ok; } /* ************************************************************************ * * xf86MagicReadInput * ************************************************************************ */ static int medie_x(LocalDevicePtr local, int x) { int i,res; float medie; MagicPrivatePtr priv = (MagicPrivatePtr)(local->private); DBG(6, ErrorF("Medie in X = %d\n", priv->num_medie_x) ); if (priv->first_x) { priv->first_x = FALSE; for (i=0; i<priv->num_medie_x; i++) priv->buf_x[i] = x; res = x; } else { priv->buf_x[priv->i_x] = x; priv->i_x++; if (priv->i_x>=priv->num_medie_x) priv->i_x = 0; medie = 0.0; for (i=0; i<priv->num_medie_x; i++) medie += priv->buf_x[i]; res = (int)(medie/priv->num_medie_x); } return res; } static int medie_y(LocalDevicePtr local, int y) { int i,res; float medie; MagicPrivatePtr priv = (MagicPrivatePtr)(local->private); DBG(6, ErrorF("Medie in Y = %d\n", priv->num_medie_y) ); if (priv->first_y) { priv->first_y = FALSE; for (i=0; i<priv->num_medie_y; i++) priv->buf_y[i] = y; res = y; } else { priv->buf_y[priv->i_y] = y; priv->i_y++; if (priv->i_y>=priv->num_medie_y) priv->i_y = 0; medie = 0.0; for (i=0; i<priv->num_medie_y; i++) medie += priv->buf_y[i]; res = (int)(medie/priv->num_medie_y); } return res; } /* static int MAX(int x, int y) { return (x>=y ? x : y); } */ #define MAX(x,y) (x>=y ? x : y) static void xf86MagicReadInput(LocalDevicePtr local) { MagicPrivatePtr priv = (MagicPrivatePtr)(local->private); int cur_x, cur_y; Bool touch_now; static int n_coms = 0; if (!priv->e_presente) { DBG(4, ErrorF("<<%s[%d]>> ReadInput: Touch Controller non inizializzato\n") ); return; } DBG(4, ErrorF("Entering ReadInput\n")); /* * Try to get a packet. */ if (GetPacket(local, priv->packet_buf, &priv->packet_pos, local->fd)==Success) { /* Calculate the (x,y) coord of pointer */ cur_x = priv->packet_buf[1]; cur_x <<= 6; cur_x |= priv->packet_buf[2]; cur_y = priv->packet_buf[3]; cur_y <<= 6; cur_y |= priv->packet_buf[4]; touch_now = priv->packet_buf[0] & MGCT_TOUCH == MGCT_TOUCH; /* Se c'e' pressione sul touch inizio a calcolare la posizione e a spostare il cursore grafico */ if (touch_now) { DBG(6, ErrorF("Touch premuto: medio i valori di posizione\n") ); cur_x = medie_x(local, cur_x); cur_y = medie_y(local, cur_y); } else { DBG(6, ErrorF("Touch rilasciato:\n" "\tazzeramento buffer memoria\n" "\tposizionamento immediato\n") ); /* Se non ho pressione allora comando lo spostamento del cursore senza mediare. Svuoto il buffer delle medie */ priv->first_x = TRUE; priv->first_y = TRUE; } /* Comando lo spostamento */ xf86PostMotionEvent(local->dev, TRUE, 0, 2, cur_x, cur_y); /* comanda la pressione del tasto */ DBG(9, ErrorF("touch_now==%s\n", (touch_now==TRUE ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") ) ); if (touch_now!=priv->click_on) { DBG(9, ErrorF("Bottone == %s\n", (touch_now==TRUE ? "PREMUTO" : "RILASCAITO") ) ); priv->click_on = touch_now; xf86PostButtonEvent(local->dev, TRUE, 1, touch_now, 0, 2, cur_x, cur_y); } } /* GetPacket */ } /* ************************************************************************ * * xf86MagicConvert * ************************************************************************ */ static Bool xf86MagicConvert(LocalDevicePtr local, int first, int num, int v0, int v1, int v2, int v3, int v4, int v5, int *x, int *y) { MagicPrivatePtr priv = (MagicPrivatePtr) local->private; int width = priv->max_x - priv->min_x; int height = priv->max_y - priv->min_y; int input_x, input_y; if (first != 0 || num != 2) { return FALSE; } DBG(3, ErrorF("MagicConvert: v0(%d), v1(%d)\n", v0, v1)); if (priv->swap_axes) { input_x = v1; input_y = v0; } else { input_x = v0; input_y = v1; } *x = (priv->screen_width * (input_x - priv->min_x)) / width; *y = (priv->screen_height - (priv->screen_height * (input_y - priv->min_y)) / height); #ifdef XFREE86_V4 /* * Need to check if still on the correct screen. * This call is here so that this work can be done after * calib and before posting the event. */ xf86XInputSetScreen(local, priv->screen_no, *x, *y); #endif DBG(3, ErrorF("MagicConvert: x(%d), y(%d)\n", *x, *y)); return TRUE; } /* ************************************************************************ * * xf86MagicAllocate * ************************************************************************ */ static LocalDevicePtr #ifndef XFREE86_V4 xf86MagicAllocate(void) #else xf86MagicAllocate(InputDriverPtr drv) #endif { #ifndef XFREE86_V4 LocalDevicePtr local = (LocalDevicePtr) xalloc( sizeof(LocalDeviceRec) ); #else LocalDevicePtr local = xf86AllocateInput(drv, 0); #endif MagicPrivatePtr priv = (MagicPrivatePtr) xalloc( sizeof(MagicPrivateRec) ); /* Controlla la corretta allocazione di buffers. Se uno dei buffers non e' stato allocato correttamente termina l'inizializzazione */ if (!local) { if (priv) xfree(priv); return NULL; } if (!priv) { if (local) xfree(local); return NULL; } /* I buffers sono allocati correttamente */ #ifdef XFREE86_V4 priv->input_dev = strdup(MAGIC_PORT); #else priv->input_dev = MAGIC_PORT; priv->link_speed = MAGIC_LINK_SPEED; #endif priv->min_x = 60; priv->max_x = 960; priv->min_y = 60; priv->max_y = 960; priv->screen_no = 0; priv->screen_width = -1; priv->screen_height = -1; priv->swap_axes = 0; priv->first_x = priv->first_y = TRUE; priv->first_entry = TRUE; priv->e_presente = FALSE; priv->click_on = FALSE; priv->i_x = priv->i_y = 0; priv->packet_pos = 0; bzero(priv->buf_x, MEDIE_X); bzero(priv->buf_y, MEDIE_Y); priv->num_medie_x = MEDIE_X; priv->num_medie_y = MEDIE_Y; local->name = XI_TOUCHSCREEN; local->flags = 0; #ifndef XFREE86_V4 #if !defined(sun) || defined(i386) local->device_config = xf86MagicConfig; #endif /* !defined(sun) || defined(i386) */ #endif /* XFREE86_V4*/ local->device_control = xf86MagicControl; local->read_input = xf86MagicReadInput; local->control_proc = NULL; local->close_proc = NULL; local->switch_mode = NULL; local->conversion_proc = xf86MagicConvert; local->reverse_conversion_proc = NULL; local->fd = -1; local->atom = 0; local->dev = NULL; local->private = priv; local->type_name = "MagicTouch"; local->history_size = 0; return local; } /* xf86MagicAllocae */ #ifndef XFREE86_V4 /* * Sezione relativa a X < 4.0.0 */ DeviceAssocRec magictouch_assoc = { "magictouch", xf86MagicAllocate }; #ifdef DYNAMIC_MODULE #ifndef DLSYM_BUG int init_module(unsigned long server_version) #else int init_xf86Magic(unsigned long server_version) #endif { /* Aggiunge l'assiocazione per il touchscreen */ xf86AddDeviceAssoc(&magictouch_assoc); /* Controlla la versione */ if (server_version != XF86_VERSION_CURRENT) { ErrorF("Warining: MagicTouch module compiled for version %s\n", XF86_VERSION); return 0; } return 1; } #endif /* DYNAMIC_MODULE */ #else /* * Sezione relativa a X >= 4.0.0 */ #endif /* XFREE86_V4 */